Monday, September 28, 2015

Week of 9/28

Hi Everyone,
     Welcome to another week at JBE. Students that signed up for it will be receiving the flu mist at school on Tuesday. We will be taking our first science test on Thursday. 

     Please be aware that students will be counted as tardy beginning at 8:35. Students are let into the room at 8:25. We have morning announcements at 8:30 and we try to begin instruction at 8:40. When students arrive at school before 8:30 it allows them time to unpack, get their pencils sharpened and get ready for the day without having to rush. On Monday's students are also trying to get their agenda items copied down from the board. If there homework the night before that assignment is being checked off. 

     In math this week we will be working on decomposing numbers using the subtraction algorithm. The problems that students will be solving this week will require decomposing more than once (see the example below). Since there are many layers of regrouping in these problems I am encouraging students to use another strategy to check their work. 

     In science this week we will take our first chapter test. The test will be on Thursday 10/1. The test will cover all 5 lessons in chapter. Students will not be allowed to use their books or journals during the test. The test will have multiple choice, written response, fill in the blank, and vocabulary questions. This week students will also receive grades for the chapter vocabulary section and the science tools sections of their journals. 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Week of 9/21/15

Hi Everyone,

     I would like to thank everyone for coming to Open House last week. After a long day at work I know that the last thing anyone wants to do is come and sit and listen to a presentation. Mrs. Pavlinek and I are very appreciative that so many of you came.
     I would also like to thank everyone for the sweet and thoughtful birthday wishes. A special thank you to Mrs. Brown for picking up cupcakes for both classes to enjoy with lunch.
    This week at JBE students will have Early Release on Wednesday. We will have vision screening on Thursday. And PTA will have a family picnic on Saturday.
    This week in math students will learn how to represent addition and subtraction problems using tape diagrams. Students will also use the standard algorithm to solve addition and subtraction problems. 
    This week in science students will learn the difference between evidence and inference in science. Evidence includes any information that you have and observations that you make. Facts and information from experiments is evidence. Scientist use evidence to make inferences. 

Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Week of 9/14

Hi Everyone,
     I hope that you had a wonderful weekend, as always just a little bit to short. Our schedule this week includes picture day on Tuesday and Enrichment Labs on Wednesday. Fourth and Fifth graders get to choose their labs so hopefully your child will be very excited about their assigned lab. You are also invited to attend Open House on Thursday night at 6:00. Mrs. Pavlinek and I hope that you will be able to join us. We will meet in room 207 after a brief presentation by Mrs. Mattingly in the cafeteria.

     In math this week we will take our first quiz. The quiz will cover everything that we have learned so far this school year: naming and representing numbers (unit form, expanded form, word form, standard form), comparing numbers, ordering numbers, rounding numbers, and adding numbers using the standard algorithm. 
     Students will also have another timed quiz. Although students will take both multiplication and division quizzes, only the multiplication quiz will count for a grade. Division quizzes will not count for a grade until the second nine weeks. Students will bring home their first timed quizzes this week. If students get a 100 on their multiplication quiz, then they will not have to take any more multiplication quizzes for the rest of the month. Students will not have to take another division quiz if they answer all of questions correctly. 

     In science this week we will learn how to use a microscope. We will also learn how to use the scientific method to complete a lab entitled Does Soap Float? Students will also take a quiz on chapter 1 lesson 3.

Have a great week!!


Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Week of 9/7

     I hope everyone had a wonderful three day weekend. I know I did!! It was so easy to slide right into vacation mode. I had to remind myself that we only had one day off. 

     This week at school we will have our first Early Release Wednesday. Students will be dismissed at 1:30.

     In math this week students will work on rounding numbers to any place. In fourth grade students are expected to round numbers through the millions. Many students have already had experiences with rounding numbers. This year students will be asked to use what they have already learned about rounding and we will also learn some new strategies. One strategy is the vertical number line (see the example below). If students were asked to round 548,253 to the nearest ten thousand. They would first decide which two ten thousands the number falls between. In this case it would be 540,000 and 550,000. Each number would be an endpoint on the number line. Next step would be to decide what number is the midpoint, or come in the middle of the two numbers,545,000. The third step would to decide where the number goes on the number line. Finally decide if 548,253 is closest to 540,000 or 550,000.

     In science this week we will continue to learn about how scientist do their work. We will complete our study of lessons one and two. Students will take a quiz on the two lessons. When we take quizzes students will be allowed to use their books and journals. For that reason please discuss with your child the importance of bringing required materials to class each day. If a student does not have their materials in class it will result in a mark against their conduct.
     After completing lessons one and two we will begin learning about the scientific method. Students will learn how to write a hypothesis and how to control variables during a scientific investigation. 


Thursday, September 3, 2015

Week of 8/31

Hi Everyone,
     This week we have continued to get adjusted to being in school. We had our first homework assignments and I am very proud to say that almost all of the students remembered to complete and return their assignments. See below for subject specific items.
     In math this week we have been working on our understanding of numbers and place value. One of our biggest understandings has been that the number in place is ten times greater than the place to it's right. We have learned how to show numbers on the place value chart. Students have also learned how to regroup from one place to another. We have also worked on learning where commas go in numbers and comparing numbers. 
     Students received their first Math Super Stars sheet. Math Superstars is a program that offers students challenge in problem solving. The problems on the sheets require mathematical skill, logical reasoning, and problem solving. Students will receive a new sheet each Monday and completed sheets are due on Friday. Students may find some problems difficult, please help your child with the problems as much as possible without telling them the answer. In order to receive credit for completing their homework students must show that they have at least attempted the problem. Leaving a problem blank or simply putting a question mark does not show an attempt. 
     We will take our first timed quizzes this week. Students will take a timed quiz every other week. Students will receive one multiplication quiz and one division quiz. Multiplication quizzes covers facts through 9 x 9. Division quizzes covers facts through 12 x 12. Each page will have 50 questions. The problems are randomly generated, so students should study and review all of their facts. For the first nine weeks students will get 3 minutes per quiz. During the second weeks the time will drop to 2 minutes and 30 seconds. During the third and fourth nine weeks students will have 2 minutes per quiz. Some websites that may help students practice are:

More Challenging Practice

     This week in science we are learning about how scientist answer questions. So far we have learned a little bit about what science is, what some of the tools of science are, and what is a testable question. Students also completed their first lab, How many drops of water will fit on a penny?

Please see the Fun Websites sections on the right hand side of the screen to find some website links that students can use for more practice with what we are working in class.

Don't forget that there is no school on Monday. Have a Wonderful weekend!!