Grade Recovery Policies


Grade Recovery is a way for students to earn extra points on assessments that were not passed. Grade Recovery is always optional. To receive any credit all of the directions must be followed. You cannot earn 100%. Based on the number of corrections made, students will receive enough points to bring their grade up to at least a 70%. Turn in your completed work to Ms. Johnson on or before the end of the quarter that the assessment was given. 

Grade Recovery in math is an option on quizzes and end of module tests that a student earns a score of 69% or lower. Students should CORRECT any missed problems using the following guidelines:          
1. The test must be signed by a parent.
2. Do Not write or erase anything on the original assessment.
3. Complete work on a sheet of notebook paper. Please head the paper just like we do in class. 
   4. ALL work should be shown for each problem—not just an answer.
   5. You may use your journal or get assistance from an adult.
   6. Problems missed should be corrected NEATLY and NUMBERED according to the number on the test. 
   7. Turn in the completed work by the end of the quarter.
   8. The points earned will be added to the original score not to the original points earned.

In science grade recovery can be done for any quiz or end of unit test that received a grade of 69% or lower. 
1. Get the test or quiz signed by a parent.
2. Do Not write or erase anything on the original assessment.
3. Complete work on a sheet of notebook paper. Please head the paper just like we do in class. 
4. You may use your book, journal or get assistance from an adult. 
5. On the notebook paper list the numbers of the questions missed.
6. Write the letter of the correct answer. 
7. Staple the notebook paper to the back of the test or quiz.
8. Turn in the completed work by the end of the quarter.
9. The points earned will be added to the original score not to the original points earned.