Classroom Policies

On this page you will find policies specific for all 4th Grade students, the policies for math and science and the policies for the my classroom. 

4th Grade Policies

Dear 4th Grade Parents,   

We are looking forward to a wonderful school year!  Jacksonville Beach Elementary is a very special school, with strong parental support and involvement. We feel blessed to be entrusted with such talented students who are eager to learn. We highly value our partnership with you and expect to communicate regularly. In order to begin smoothly, we want to share with you our policies and procedures, and some suggestions for success.  



Together, we coordinate academics and enrichment activities, inspire each other to do our best, and most importantly, have fun! Teamwork is an important component of how our teachers and students work daily.   



Students will use their agenda to keep track of their weekly homework assignments, upcoming dates, and important events. Each Monday students will record their weekly homework and other important information in their agenda. Please make it a routine to review your student’s agenda on Monday evenings. 



Students will have a mid-morning “working snack” daily, and we encourage our students to choose and pack an easy, healthy snack daily. 4th grade classes go to lunch between 12:30-1:00. Birthday treats are welcome and will be eaten during lunchtime. Prepaid lunch accounts are recommended, and adding money can be easily done online at there is a $1.95 fee per transaction). Daily prices: breakfast is free; lunch is free, however if a student wishes to purchase a second lunch, the price is $1.95. Reduced lunch is $0.40.  



Students will have the responsibility to keep a clean backpack, trapper, pencil pouch, AND school cubby. 

Backpack:  Each child should bring a requiredindependent reading book, a lightweight sweater for those who are        chilled in air conditioning, and their Trapper (binder). If a cell phone or a digital recording device is brought to school, it must remain in the student’s backpack and turned off.   

Pencil Pouch: should have “the basics of success”: adequate pencils, pencil sharpener, scissors, glue, crayons, stapler, and erasers.No toys, cards, or games may be brought to school without permission 

Trapper: This will house all work completed and to be turned in. Everyone needs a two-pocket folder in their trapper. This folder is used to carry homework to and from school and other important pieces of communication from the school.  We give the responsibility to the student of placing required items in the folder, ensuring parents receive items in the folder, and returning any necessary items back to the classroom.   

“Home to School” folder: This will include all of their assessments for review and will go home the first day of the school week. The folders will need to be returned the next day. 

*Hygiene: handwashing will be integrated into the daily schedule; masks are highly recommended.  



Notify your homeroom teacher of any absences by email or note. It is the understanding that ALL work will be made up in a timely manner. Refer to your handbook on excused and unexcused absences.    



Our preferred method of communication is via email, and you can expect a response within 24 hours by email or phone. Weekly emails will be sent with updates and reminders. 



Information about the school-wide conduct policy can be found in the student handbook. Each infraction of a school-wide expectation will result in a 10-point deduction of their conduct grade. Weekly grades will be averaged each quarter for a report card grade. Information about student qualification for 5th Grade Leadership positions based on Conduct as one of the components will be discussed at Open House.   

As a positive incentive, 4th grade students have the opportunity to earn tickets for good behavior. Every other month we will hold a ticket “cash in” for choice rewards.  


4th Grade Expectations  

Come to class prepared with all necessary supplies.  

Be truthful in all situations.  

Be an active participant by staying on task and completing assignments in a timely manner 

Show kindness in your words and actions.  

Don’t say you can’t, always know you can.  

Appropriate behavior should be shown in the hallways, cafeteria, bathroom and all Resource classes.  



For the safety of all students and faculty all students dismissed at car riders MUST HAVE A CAR TAG. They must be purchased through F.O.J.B.E PTO. If parents do not have a car tag, they will be required to show their identification (which must match the child’s emergency information records).   Dismissal deadlines are 2:30 and 12:30 on Early Release days. No students will be dismissed early after this time. 



From the PTO… 

**Homeroom Parents are the point of contact between the classroom teacher, the PTO, and other parents in the class.  Homeroom Parents work closely with the teacher to coordinate class celebrations, enrichment activities, and other events at the teacher’s guidance (and when deemed safe to do so in accordance with DCPS policy).  Homeroom Parents also lead teacher appreciation activities to include annual Teacher Appreciation Week in May and teacher birthdays.  This volunteer opportunity is a fun way to work closely with your child’s teacher and get to know the class community (students and parents)!  Feel free to team up with another parent (or more!) to fill this role jointly.  This job requires help to organize the class network, enhance teacher-family-PTO communication, and encourage community & connection.  If interested, please inform your child’s teacher and email with your name, contact information (email/phone), and your assigned teacher.  Then just await further information about a virtual Homeroom Parent orientation.  We look forward to getting to know your children and you this year. Please don’t hesitate to write with your questions or concerns. Our hopes are high for many unique and wonderful accomplishments!  



The 4th Grade Team 

Math and Science Policies


· STRUCTURE of the lesson: The math lesson consists of three parts:

o During the launch, I will introduce the math concept or skill we are focusing on for the day. Your child will also enter any new math vocabulary words, definitions, diagrams, and examples in his/her math interactive journal.

o During the exploration period, your child will work either individually, with a peer, or with a group to solve problem/s presented in the launch. Throughout this time, I will work with students individually or in small groups to provide appropriate scaffolding if necessary.

o During the closing meeting, the class regroups to discuss strategies used to solve the day’s problem/s, to share misunderstandings and correct them, and to reflect on what was learned during the lesson.

· MATH INTERACTIVE JOURNAL: In math, we will be using an interactive journal. It will come to school and go home every day. This journal will house daily activities including notes, hand-outs, reflections, practice problems, and problem-solving strategies. The journal will have a table of contents at the beginning for easy reference.

· MATH FACTS: 4th grade students are expected to be fluent in their multiplication facts (1-10) starting at the beginning of the school year. Students will also begin to learn division facts. Sources for practicing:; Freckle


o Quizzes: 1-2 per unit

o Tests: at least 1 per unit (grade recovery will be offered for scores 60% and below)

§ Study Guides: Students will typically receive a review sheet or study guide for the tests in math. Study guides will be completed during class and for homework.

· MATH CLASS WORK: will be assigned regularly.

· MATH HOMEWORK: Expect several nights a week of additional math practice from the day’s lesson

· GRADES: *please check Focus regularly to ensure your child has completed all assignments

o Homework – 5%

o Skills-10%

o Classwork/Interactive Journal/Participation – 20%

o Quizzes/Projects – 25%

o Tests – 40%

· RESOURCES being used this year: Duval Math, HMH (Ed Your Friend in Learning), Freckle, Zearn


· UNITS OF STUDY: Nature of Science., Properties of Matter, Energy, Motion of Objects, Earth Science, Space, Plants and Animals, and How Organisms Interact

· SCIENCE INTERACTIVE JOURNAL: This journal will house notes, vocabulary, hand-outs, and lab activities.


o Quizzes: 1-2 per unit

o Tests: at least 1 per unit (grade recovery will be offered for scores 60% and below)

§ Study Guides: Students will typically receive a review sheet or study guide for the tests in science. Study guides will be completed during class and for homework.

· GRADES: *please check Focus regularly to ensure your child has completed all assignments

o Homework – 10%

o Classwork/Interactive Journal/Participation – 25%

o Quizzes/Projects – 25%

o Tests – 40%

· RESOURCES being used this year: HMH Science Book and Online, Workbook, Freckle, Brainpop

Grade Recovery is a way for students to earn extra points on assessments that were not passed. Grade Recovery is always optional. To receive any credit all of the directions must be followed. You cannot earn 100%. Based on the number of corrections made, students will receive enough points to bring their grade up to at least a 70%. Turn in your completed work to Ms. Johnson on or before the end of the quarter that the assessment was given.


Grade Recovery in math is an option on quizzes and end of module tests that a student earns a score of 69% or lower. Students should CORRECT any missed problems using the following guidelines:

1. The test must be signed by a parent.

2. Do Not write or erase anything on the original assessment.

3. Complete work on a sheet of notebook paper. Please head the paper just like we do in class.

4. ALL work should be shown for each problem—not just an answer.

5. You may use your journal or get assistance from an adult.

6. Problems missed should be corrected NEATLY and NUMBERED according to the number on the test.

7. Turn in the completed work by the end of the quarter.

8. The points earned will be added to the original score not to the original points earned.


In science grade recovery can be done for any quiz or end of unit test that received a grade of 69% or lower.

1. Get the test or quiz signed by a parent.

2. Do Not write or erase anything on the original assessment.

3. Complete work on a sheet of notebook paper. Please head the paper just like we do in class.

4. You may use your book, journal, or get assistance from an adult.

5. On the notebook paper list the numbers of the questions missed.

6. Write the letter of the correct answer.

7. Staple the notebook paper to the back of the test or quiz.

8. Turn in the completed work by the end of the quarter.

9. The points earned will be added to the original score not to the original points earned.

Classroom Policies


     Students are expected to always be polite and respectful. They are expected to show kindness to both their peers and adults that they interact with throughout the school day. Student behavior is closely monitored all year long for consideration for a 5th Grade Leadership position as a Safety Patrol, ToT (Teacher of Tomorrow), or TV Production.


     Students will receive weekly homework. Homework will consist of both digital and paper pencil assignments.

Paper Pencil Assignments

 Paper pencil assignments are graded based on the work being complete and turned in on time. If students have their work and it is complete, they will receive full credit in the homework section of the grade book. We check assignments on the day they are due. Paper pencil assignments are due the day after they were assigned. For example, if the work was Tuesday nights assignment, then it is due on Wednesday.

Digital Assignments

Freckle: Students will receive the score that they earned on the assignment. That score will be entered into the Skills section of the math grade book. Students will also receive a completion score of either 0 (the assignment was not completed) or 100 (the assignment was completed).

HMH Science/ Florida Science: Students will receive a completion score of either 0 (the assignment was not completed), 70 (the assignment is In Progress and has not been submitted), or 100 (the assignment was completed).

Study Island Science: Students will receive a completion score of either 0 (the assignment was not completed), or 100 (the assignment was completed).

Brain Pop: Students will receive the score that they earned on the assignment. That score will be entered into the Skills section of the math grade book or in the science grade book. Students will also receive a completion score of either 0 (the assignment was not completed) or 100 (the assignment was completed).

Digital assignments are due at the end of the week that they were assigned. Every attempt will be made to assign digital work on Friday afternoons. That way students can complete the work early if they wish.

Late Policy for Homework

     In order to encourage student responsibility, every attempt to turn in assignments on time should be taken. However, I understand that life sometimes happens. With that in mind the schedule below will be used for grading homework assignments.

1st and 2nd Nine Weeks: All late work will be taken with no penalties if turned in by the end of the grading period.

3rd Nine Weeks: 10 points will be deducted for each week the work is late.

4th Nine Weeks: No late work will be accepted.

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