Monday, November 30, 2020

Week of 11/30


Hi Everyone,

     I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving Break. It was wonderful being off and spending time with family. We have three weeks until Winter Vacation. These three weeks will be very busy. Please take note of the assessments on the calendar.

12/2 Wednesday
Module 4 Quiz

12/7 and 12/8
Math PMA #2

12/15 Tuesday
Module 4 Math Test

12/17 Thursday
Unit 7 Science Test

12/18 Friday
Last Day of 2nd Quarter

12/21 - 1/1
Winter Break

1/4 Monday
Teacher Planning Day - No School

School-To-Home Folder
*Module 3 Math Test
*Unit 7 Lessons 1 and 2 Science Quiz

     This week in math we will continue working on our geometry unit. So far we have reviewed basic geometric shapes; points, lines, line segments, rays and angles. Within lines we have worked on parallel and perpendicular lines. With in angles we have learned about acute, right, obtuse, and straight angles. Before Thanksgiving Break students learned how to measure angles using a protractor. This week we will learn how to construct angles of specified degree, use the measure of adjacent angles to solve problems using a variable for the unknown angle measure (see example below), we will end the week working on recognizing symmetry in two dimensional figures. 

     This week in science we will continue our work on energy. This week we will focus on thermal (heat) energy. The important take aways for students for thermal energy are: 
*Heat moves from warmer places/objects to colder places/objects until both are the same temperature. 
*Heat can be transferred in 3 ways; conduction, convection, and radiation.
*The movement of heat can be made easier or harder with the presence of conductors and insulators. 

     We will begin using Flipgrid this week. Flipgrid is a site that will allow us to have discussions for math, science, and general topics and current events. Students can access the site on a cell phone or computer with a web cam. If you using a computer please use Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome browser. Students are receiving their join code and username today at school. Our first topic is just a simple introduction. Students will get 2 minutes to introduce themselves. Once students have uploaded their videos I will view and approve them. Students can then go on to the site to watch the videos of their classmates. Please click on the link below to watch informative video.
How to Access Flip Grid
1 Go Or download the App from your cell phones store.
2 Click in the box 
3. Type the join code given to student in class
4 Click in the box
5. Type student eight digit s number. Include the s. Click Go.
6. Click Record a Response
7. Record video and upload when complete.
Feel free to rerecord your video as many times as you would like. 

Science: Read and annotate Unit 8 Lesson 1 Complete Engage Your Brain, Do the Math, and all yellow boxes. pages 373-379

Tuesday: Math: Complete geometry sheets to review for the quiz

Wednesday: Science: Read and annotate Unit 8 Lesson 3 Complete Engage Your Brain, Do The Math, and all yellow boxes pages 389-395

Thursday: Flip Grid: Complete the Flip Grid Activity: Introduce Yourself

Friday: Math: i-Ready 40 minutes Teacher Assigned Lesson--Add and Subtract Angle Measures

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Week of 11/16


Happy Monday Everyone,
     What a crazy week we had last week!! Thank you for your patience with our first (and hopefully last) virtual day of school. Please make sure your child completed all of the work that was assigned on last Thursday. The grades from the assignments will be entered into the grade book for their subjects as class work grades. The grades for the digital assignments; Brain Pop quizzes and i-Ready lessons will be entered as the scores that student earned on the platforms. The grades for the paper pencil work will be entered as completed/not completed.
     As you review your child's grades in Focus, please know that any zero grades are there because the work was either never completed or never turned in. If your child has not taken a test or quiz they can come into the room before or after school to take their test. Work can also be made up on during library, computer lab, or STEM resource. Any missing work can be turned in for full credit at any time during before the end of the nine weeks. 

11/18 Wednesday
Module 3 Math Test

11/19 Thursday
2nd Quarter Progress Reports

11/25 Wednesday
Weather Day

Thanksgiving Break

12/17 Thursday
Unit 7 Science Test

12/18 Friday
Last Day of 2nd Quarter

12/21 - 1/1
Winter Break

1/4 Monday
Teacher Planning Day - No School

School-To-Home Folder
*Module 3 Quiz #2

     This week in math we will complete our work on Module 3. The end of module test will be on Wednesday.  We will begin working on Module 4 on Thursday.  Module 4 will cover cover geometry and measurement standards. In this module students will learn about basic geometric forms of points, lines, line segments, and rays. Students will also learn about the different types of angels, how to measure and draw angles with a protractor. The connection between circles and angles. Students will learn that triangles can be classified based on angle measure and side length.
     This week we will cover the basic geometric shapes of points, lines, line segments and rays. Students will learn how to properly name each of the above forms with letters. We will also work on different types of angles and the difference between parallel and perpendicular lines. 

     This week in science we will continue learning about energy. This week we will focus on sound energy. Sound energy is a form of kinetic energy because sound is created by making vibrations in matter. Students will learn that sound can be described based on its frequency, pitch and volume. 

Monday: Math: PMA Data Chat Review with Parents. i-Ready 40 minutes 

Tuesday: Math: Study for Module 3 Math Test

Wednesday: Science: Brain Pop and Brain Pop Jr Quizzes on Sound

Thursday: Math: Module 4 Lessons 1 and 2 Homework Sheets

Friday: All digital assignments are due

Have a Wonderful week,

Monday, November 9, 2020

Week of 11/9


Happy Monday Everyone,
     This week JBE will honor all of our Veterans on Tuesday with a special Virtual Veterans Day Celebration. We have Wednesday off in honor of Veteran's Day. We will be back at school on Thursday. 
     I would like to thank everyone for responding to our class book project. We should be able to send in our final pages any day now.

11/10 Tuesday
Virtual Veteran's Day Celebration

11/11 Wednesday
Veteran's Day-No School

11/12 Thursday
Virtual Talent Show

11/18 Wednesday
Module 3 Math Test

11/19 Thursday
2nd Quarter Progress Reports

11/25 Wednesday
Weather Day

Thanksgiving Break

12/18 Friday
Last Day of 2nd Quarter

12/21 - 1/1
Winter Break

1/4 Monday
Teacher Planning Day - No School

     This week in math we will complete our work on factors, multiples, prime numbers and composite numbers. We will then begin working on balanced equations and number and shape patterns. In balanced equations students are presented with two equations with an equal sign between them. In some situations students will be asked if the two equations are true. In some situations a number will be missing from one of the equations and students will need to figure out the missing information.. Both equations might have the same the operation, but students might also be presented with one equation using one operation and the other might have a different operation. 

     This week in science we will continue our work on energy. Students will learn about the different forms of energy. Later in the week we will begin an in depth study of sound energy.


Monday: Science: Complete Unit 7 Lessons 1 and 2 Digital Lesson

Tuesday: Math: Complete worksheet on prime and composite numbers. 

Wednesday: No School Veteran's Day

Thursday: Math: Complete sheet on balanced equations 

Friday: i-Ready Minutes (no teacher assigned lesson this week) and science digital lessons due

Sunday, November 1, 2020


Happy Friday Everyone,
     I would like to thank everyone that sent in treats for our Math-Or-Treating and Halloween activities!! I am so appreciative to have your support in bringing some fun activities for kids. Since we won't be able to go on field trips, have assemblies, or any of the usual fun JBE activities that we have grown accustomed to over the years. The students had a wonderful day. Between earning treats for solving math problems and getting to watch The One and Only Ivan in ELA, I think everyone had a great day. 
     Have a wonderful weekend.

Week of 11/2/2020

Happy Monday Everyone,

     Thanks again to everyone that made our Math-Or-Treating activity a huge success!! I would also like to thank everyone that participated in our Red Ribbon Week activities.
11/3 Tuesday
Math Quiz

11/4 Wednesday
Science Test

11/4 Wednesday
Submissions for Book Cover Due

11/6 Friday
Order Forms for Class Book Due

11/6 Friday
Completed Student Pages for Class Book Due

11/6 Tuesday
PTO Meeting

11/10 Tuesday
Virtual Veteran's Day Celebration

11/11 Wednesday
Veteran's Day-No School

11/12 Thursday
Virtual Talent Show

11/19 Thursday
2nd Quarter Progress Reports

School-To-Home Folder
*Module 3 Mid-Module Quiz
*Matter Magic Sheet

     This week in math we will take a quiz on Tuesday. This quiz will cover division strategies. After the quiz we will begin the last section of lessons in module 3. In this section we will cover factors, multiplies, prime numbers and composite numbers. Students often confuse factors and multiples. A factor is one of the two numbers that are multiplied together to get a product. A multiple is what we get after multiplying the number by another number. For example:
1 x 6 = 6 so 1 and 6 are factors of 6
1 x 6 = 6 so 6 is a multiple of 6
3 x 4 = 12 so 3 and 4 are factors of 12
3 x 4 = 12 so 12 is a multiple of 3 and a multiple of 4
Simply put, factors are the numbers we multiply and multiples are the numbers we say when we skip count by a number. 
     This week students only need to complete their 40 i-ready minutes. I will not be assigning a lesson on i-Ready. 

     This week in science we will take our test on chemical and physical changes in matter on Wednesday. We will then begin a unit on energy. In this unit students will learn about the basic forms of energy-potential, kinetic, light, mechanical, sound, electrical and chemical. 

Monday: Math: Complete Math Sheet. Complete 40 minutes of i-Ready. No Teacher Assigned lesson this week.

Tuesday: Science: Study for Unit 6 test.

Wednesday: Math: Complete Lesson 22 Sheet.

Thursday: Science: Unit 7 Lesson 1 Digital Lesson

Friday: Class Book Forms Due Today. i-Ready Minutes due.