Sunday, April 25, 2021

Week of April 26, 2021


Happy New Week Everyone,

     Can you believe that it is the last week of April? We now only have 28 days of school left!!! Just hang in their a little while longer and we will all be able to enjoy a long well earned vacation.


4/30 Friday
Dress Up Fridays: Hat Day

4/30 Friday
Measurement Test

5/3 Monday
4th Quarter Progress Reports

5/4 Tuesday
Dress Up Fridays: Star Wars

FSA Reading Test

5/12 Wednesday
Dress Up Fridays: Holiday Shirts

FSA Math Test

5/21 Friday
Pajama Day

5/28 Friday
PTO Sponsored Field Trip to Cummer Art Gallery 
(FundRun Prize)

5/28 Friday
Dress Up Fridays: Crazy Hair Day

5/31 Monday
No School Memorial Day

6/3 Thursday
Dress Up Fridays: Summer/Beach Gear

6/3 Thursday
Last Day of School

School-To-Home Folder
*Science Quiz
     This week in math we will complete our work on measurement. We are planning to take our test this Friday. Once we complete our measurement unit we will spend next week doing some final prep for our math FSA's. 
*40 minutes
*Teacher Assigned Lessons: 
Express Measurements in Larger Units
Solve Word Problems Involving Measurement

*Word Problems Involving Measurement

     Since the content of lessons 10 and 11 are so connected, be have decided to combine them into one life sciences unit. This week we will begin working on unit 11 Organisms and Their Environments. We will begin with a study of how organisms change with the seasons. During lesson 1 we will look at how plants and animals react to different seasons. 


Monday: Math i-Ready-40 Minutes of i-Ready and Teacher Assigned Lessons on Measurement.. Freckle: Complete Word Problems Involving Measurement Homework. FSA Practice Sheets Pages 21 and 222 (due Friday). 

Tuesday: Science Unit 11 lesson 1 Digital Lesson How Do Organisms Change with the Seasons? 

Wednesday: Math Complete first half of measurement study guide.

Thursday: Math: Study for measurement test. 

Friday: Freckle, i-Ready FSA Practice and Science Digital Lesson due today.

Monday, April 19, 2021

Week of April 19, 2021

Happy Monday Everyone,

     I hope everyone had a wonderful wet rainy weekend. Hopefully we won't have too many April Showers this week. 

4/20 Tuesday
Math Quiz on Customary Measurement

4/22 Thursday
FSA Writing Test Group 3

4/23 Friday
Dress Up Fridays: Silly Socks

4/30 Friday
Dress Up Fridays: Hat Day

5/4 Tuesday
Dress Up Fridays: Star Wars

FSA Reading Test

5/12 Wednesday
Dress Up Fridays: Holiday Shirts

FSA Math Test

5/21 Friday
Pajama Day

5/28 Friday
Dress Up Fridays: Crazy Hair Day

6/3 Thursday
Dress Up Fridays: Summer/Beach Gear

6/3 Thursday
Last Day of School

School-To-Home Folder
*Module 6 Decimal Test

     This week in math we will take a quiz on customary measurement conversions and benchmarks. Then we will begin working on time conversions, benchmarks, and elapsed time. 

*No i-Ready this week

     Students have homework assignments on the Freckle program this week. 
 Monday-Measurement Conversions  Thursday-Solve Problems Involving Time  These assignments are not due until Friday, however if students complete Monday night's homework on Monday it will give them an opportunity to review before the quiz on Tuesday. 
     If the STAR diagnostic pops up when students log in to do their homework, they should not complete the diagnostic at home. The district wants students to complete the STAR at school. 

     This week in science we will study heredity, instincts and learned behaviors. Students will learn that animals have sex cells that they inherit from both the male and female parent. We will also learn about learned behaviors and instincts in animals. Some things animals are born knowing how to do and some they have to be taught (learned behaviors) and some animals are born knowing how to do (instincts). 


Monday: Math i-Ready-No i-Ready this week.. Freckle: Complete Measurement Conversion Homework. FSA Practice Sheets Pages 19 and 20 (due Friday). 

Tuesday: Math Begin HMH Growth Measure Diagnostic. Log on to Ed Your Friend Your Friend In Learning (Science Book)

Wednesday: Science Unit 10 lesson 4 Digital Lesson What Are Heredity, Instincts, and Learned Behaviors?

Thursday: Math: Freckle: Solve Problems Involving Time Homework

Friday: Freckle,  FSA Practice and Science Digital Lesson due today.

Friday, April 9, 2021

Week of April 12, 2021


Happy Monday Everyone,

     I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Students in Group 2 will be taking their writing FSA on this Thursday, students in Group 3 will take their test next Thursday. The i-Ready window for our 3rd diagnostic opens on Monday April 12th. Because we only want the students to take the test at school, students will not have any i-Ready work for this week. 

4/15 Thursday
FSA Writing Test Group 2

4/16 Friday
Dress Up Fridays: College Gear

4/22 Thursday
FSA Writing Test Group 3

4/23 Friday
Dress Up Fridays: Silly Socks

4/30 Friday
Dress Up Fridays: Hat Day

5/4 Tuesday
Dress Up Fridays: Star Wars

FSA Reading Test

5/12 Wednesday
Dress Up Fridays: Holiday Shirts

FSA Math Test

5/21 Friday
Pajama Day

5/28 Friday
Dress Up Fridays: Crazy Hair Day

6/3 Thursday
Dress Up Fridays: Summer/Beach Gear

6/3 Thursday
Last Day of School

School-To-Home Folder
*Unit 3 Science Test
*Unit 3 Lessons 1 & 2 Quiz
*Unit 3 Lessons 3 & 4 Quiz
*Decimals Quiz
*Rotations Assessment: Factor Pairs
*Module 6 Lessons 1 & 2

     This week in math, we will study customary measurement. In module 2 we only covered metric units and conversions. Students have to identify appropriate units to use to measure various objects. For example an ounce would be the most appropriate unit to use for measuring the weight of a grape. An inch would be the unit to use for measuring the length of a pencil, while a mile would be the best unit to use for measuring the distance from JBE to Everbank Stadium. 

*No i-Ready Work This Week

Below are directions for logging in to or signing up for Prodigy.

If you already have a Prodigy account do the following:

1 Go to

2 Click LOGIN

3 Click UPDATE

4 Enter the code below for your class

Johnson Homeroom: B6FAE19     Peters Homeroom: 62A914F

5 Click NEXT then OK

6 You are ready to start.

If this is your first time and you don’t have an account do the following:

1 Go to

2 Click Sign Up

3 Enter the code below for your class

Johnson Homeroom: B6FAE19      Peters Homeroom: 62A914F

4 Click the arrow

5 Enter your name

6 Create a password (use the password you use at school on the computer)

7 Click the arrow click and then click your grade

8 Write down your username and password and put it in your trapper.

9 You are ready to log in and play.

     This week in science we will continue to work on our life science standards. We will learn how animals reproduce. As part of our study we will also learn about complete and incomplete metamorphosis. 

Monday: Math i-Ready-No i-Ready this week.. FSA Practice Sheets Pages 17 and 18 (due Friday). 

Tuesday: Science Unit 10 lesson 2 Digital Lesson What Affects Germination Rates and Unit 10 lesson 3 How Do Animals Reproduce?

Wednesday: No Homework. FSA Writing Test is tomorrow.

Thursday: FSA Writing Test Today. Math Register for your Prodigy Account

Friday: i-Ready, FSA Practice and Science Digital Lesson due today.

Monday, April 5, 2021

Week of April 5, 2021

Happy Monday,
     I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend. We don't get another long weekend until the end of May. So it looks like we are in it for the long haul.
     A number of students mentioned not having space shirts so we will wear science shirts on this Wednesday. This was postponed from last Wednesday.

4/9 Friday
Module 6 Math Test

4/9 Friday
Dress Up Fridays: Superhero

4/16 Friday
Dress Up Fridays: College Gear

4/23 Friday
Dress Up Fridays: Silly Socks

4/30 Friday
Dress Up Fridays: Hat Day

5/4 Tuesday
Dress Up Fridays: Star Wars

5/14 Friday
Dress Up Fridays: Holiday Shirts

5/21 Friday
Pajama Day

5/28 Friday
Dress Up Fridays: Crazy Hair Day

6/4 Friday
Dress Up Fridays: Summer/Beach Gear

     This week in math we will finish up our work with decimals. Students will learn how add tenths to hundredths (3/10 + 56/100 = 30/100 + 56/100 = 86/100). We will also learn how money and decimals are related. Students will learn what decimal part of a dollar each coin represents. Students will also learn how to add and subtract decimals. We will take our test on module 6 on this Friday.

*40 minutes
*Teacher Assigned Lesson: Divide Whole Numbers Part 1
*Teacher Assigned Lesson: Use A Benchmark to Compare Fractions

     This week in science we will begin our life science unit. We will begin with the reproduction in flowering plants. During this lesson students will learn that flowering plants have both male and female parts. Students will learn that pollen must move from the stamen to pistil (pollination) and down into the ovary (fertilization) before reproduction can take place. 

 Monday: Math i-Ready-40 minutes, Teacher Assigned Lessons: Divide Whole Numbers Part 1 and Use a Benchmark to Compare Fractions..  FSA Practice Sheets Pages 15 and 16 (due Friday). 

Tuesday: Science Unit 10 lesson 1 Digital Lesson How Do Plants Reproduce?

Wednesday: Math Complete Module 6 Study Guide

Thursday: Math Study for Module 6 Test

Friday: Module 6 Test Today. i-Ready, FSA Practice and Science Digital Lesson due today.

Have a Wonderful Week,