Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Week of January 22nd

Hi Everyone, 

     Welcome to our first full week of school of the new year. And it will be a busy one. This week is Literacy Week. Students will enjoy several activities revolving around our love of reading. On Monday students enjoyed an ice cream treat and received a book mark. On today we enjoyed partner reading with Mrs. Jordan's first graders. On Wednesday those students that brought in books to donate will get to select some new books during the Book Swap. Thursday will be a D.E.A.R. day. We will Drop Everything And Read in the afternoon. Friday will be our Character Parade. Students are asked to come dressed as a character from a book. 

     I would like to thank all of the parents that were able to help us by chaperoning for last weeks field trip to the zoo. Everyone had a great day and completed their assignment. Thanks for your help parents!!

     This week in math we will continue learning about fractions. Students will learn how to construct and analyze data on a line plot.  Students will also learn how to change mixed numbers to improper fractions and vice versa. We will also continue our work with subtracting and multiplying fractions. 

     This week in science we will work on our standards for force and motion. Students will learn about Newtons Laws of Motion. We will also learn how speed is determined by distance and time. Chapter 6 is a short chapter. It only has 2 lessons! We will completely cover this chapter this week. The test will on Friday 1/26. Since we are covering this chapter in one week, students will be allowed to use their books and journals during the test. This week we will also flip science and social studies. We will study our social studies lesson on Thursday this week. 

     This week in social studies we will begin learning about Florida after the American Revolution. We will begin by looking at how life was with Spain once again controlling Florida. Remember that after the Revolution the Treaty of Paris gave Florida back to Spain.

Have a Wonderful week,
Ms. Johnson

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Week of 1/15

Happy Tuesday Everyone,

     I hope everyone enjoyed the time off in honor of Dr. King on Monday. We have on more 3 day weekends until Presidents Day in February.

     We will be going on our field trip to the Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens on this Friday. All money is due no later than tomorrow, 1/17. Students are encouraged to dress warmly, the high will only be 55 degrees and will probably feel much cooler than that under the shady trees at the zoo. Students should also wear their class shirts with a long sleeve shirt underneath and comfortable walking shoes. Students will probably want to bring a jacket or heavy sweatshirt as well. Students should make sure to eat a heavy breakfast since we will not be having lunch until 12:00.

    Students are not allowed to visit the gift shop, but may bring additional money for:
Sting Ray Bay --$3
Lorikeet Feeding --$1
Additional food and drink--prices vary
Students are not allowed to ride the train or the carousel. 

     We will depart from school as soon as the buses arrive and return to JBE at about 2:00. All students must ride the bus to the zoo, but I will have dismissal forms available if you would like to take your child directly from the field trip. If you are chaperoning you will have to provide your own transportation and may follow the bus from school or meet us at the front gates of the zoo. If you pay your admission to the zoo with your child's money please meet us outside of the gate. You must be there and enter with JBE in order to use the $13.95 admission rate. If you have a zoo membership please go ahead and enter the zoo and meet us just inside the entrance. Regular zoo admission is $17.95. 

     This week in math students will continue learning about fractions. We will spend more time working on adding and subtracting fractions. We will also spend time completing our i-Ready diagnostic winter testing.

     On Thursday this week we will take the test for chapter 5 in science. Science vocabulary will be due on Thursday. Also as part of our science this week students will go the zoo. While at the zoo students will work in groups to complete an assignment. 

     Due to Fridays  field trip we will complete our social studies on Thursday. Students will take the test for chapter 4. Please make sure students bring their social studies books to school on Thursday so that they will have them for the test. 

Have a Great Week
Ms. Johnson

Monday, January 8, 2018

Happy New Year!!!

Welcome Back Everyone,

     I hope that everyone had a restful winter break. Since it was so cold we can truly say that we had winter break!! 😊❆We are officially in the 3rd nine weeks. During this quarter we will take two field trips. On January 19th we will go to the Jacksonville Zoo and in March we will go to St. Augustine to tour the fort. Students will also be taking their Writing FSA during this quarter.

     Permission slips for the zoo field trip will come home this week. Please carefully read the letter attached to the permission slip. It outlines the costs for the trip. The price for the trip varies. All students will need to pay $5 for the bus. If your child ordered a lunch that will be an additional $5 for a total of $10. If you are planning to chaperone there are additional fees based on if you are ordering a lunch or using a Zoo Membership pass. Please carefully read the letter that comes home. We have included a checklist at the bottom to assist you in figuring out the total cost. All money is due on Wednesday January 17th. 

     This week in math we will continue to work on our fraction unit. This week we will learn different strategies for comparing fractions with different denominators. Students will also learn how to add and subtract fractions from a whole number. 

     This week in science we will continue to learn how heat moves. Students will work in a group to complete The Great Ice Cube Challenge. They will design a plan for melting an ice cube the fastest. In their plan students will have to explain how they will melt their ice cube. Students will have to explain if their plan uses convection, conduction, radiation or some combination of all three. We will take our test on chapter 5 next week. 

     This week in social studies we will learn about the American Revolution. Students can go on to Brain Pop and watch many videos related to the American Revolution topic. We will also learn about timelines. Students should read and be ready to discuss chapter 4 lesson 3 and the skill builder on timelines. The homework for this week is for students to complete the vocabulary for chapter 4. The test for chapter 4 will also be next week.

Have a GREAT Week,
Ms. Johnson

Week of December 4th

Hi Everyone, 

     Students will go to Enrichment Labs this Wednesday afternoon. We will also have ticket cash in on Wednesday morning. Students should come ready to cash in their tickets.

     I would like to clear up some misconceptions and confusions where homework is concerned. 
*Technology--Students can begin working on the technology assignment on Friday afternoon. The window for i-Ready and Prodigy runs from Friday afternoon to the following Friday morning. i-Ready is a diagnostic program where students work on a specific lesson plan based on their strengths and weaknesses as measured by the diagnostic that students took in September. Prodigy is a free online math program. I make assignments in Prodigy that matches the concepts that we are working on in class. Students are allowed to break up the assignments in multiple days if they choose. For example a student may choose to do 20 minutes of i-Ready on Friday afternoon. 10 minutes on Monday afternoon and 15 minutes on Wednesday. I encourage students to record all of their activity on their logs so that they can keep track of their minutes.
     *i-Ready--As per the district requirement students are required to complete at least 45 minutes of i-Ready each week.
     *Prodigy--Students are required to complete at least 15 minutes or between 10-20 questions of Prodigy per week. The top 3 students are rewarded on Fridays. I check and count any questions that were answered on Friday, Saturday and Sundays from the previous week.
*Social Studies--I tell students the social studies assignment on Friday that will be due on the following Friday. Social studies assignments are always due on Fridays.
*Math Superstars--I pass out the new math superstars sheet on Friday. The new sheet is due on the following Friday.

     Students are not required to work on any assignment during the weekend. I give these assignments on Friday to help lessen the load during week days. Students that are involved in multiple activities during the week like to get a jump start on assignments during the weekend. 

     This week in math we will begin our fraction unit. This week students will learn how to decompose a fraction into it's parts by using addition and multiplication. For examples 5/6= 2/6 + 3/6 or 5/6= 5 x 1/6. We will learn how to find equivalent fractions using area models and multiplication. 

     This week in science we will take a closer look at sound energy. Students will learn about pitch, frequency, volume, and amplitude. We will complete a lab using tuning forks were we will get to "see" sound.

     This week in social studies we will begin chapter 4. In lesson one students will learn about the constant battle for Florida that took place between Spain, France and England. 

Have A Great Week!!