I would like to send a thank you out to Parker's Dad for being our Military representative for last week's Veteran's Day Celebration. He returned home on Wednesday night and graciously came in on Thursday morning. Thank you for your service to all of our military members.
We will have our Colonial Kids Festival on Thursday. During the festival students will rotate through all of the 4th grade classrooms and participate in activities that kids during colonial times would have done both for fun and for chores.
We will
*arts and crafts with palm fronds
*colonial games and toys
*jewelry with beads
*corn grinding
*writing with quills and ink
We need at least 2 volunteers to help with the activity in our room to help with arts and crafts with palm fronds. So far we have one volunteer, thanks Mrs. Foisy.
This week in math we will finish module 3 and take our test. The test will be on Friday. After thanksgiving we will begin learning about fractions. Math Choices are due the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, 11/29.
This week in science we will learn about sound energy. Students will learn how sound travels and why sound is considered to be kinetic energy.
Since next week is only two days, I will not send another update until the week of November 28th. We are out of school on Wednesday 11/23 - Friday 11/25. School begins again on Monday 11/28.
Aesha Johnson