Monday, August 30, 2021

Week of 8/30


Happy Victory Monday Everyone,

    How could it be a bad week with a Jaguar win on Sunday? We will have our virtual open house on this Thursday. It will be from 6-7 on TEAMS. Be on the look out for an email with the link to join the meeting. 

     As part of our Covid Protocols, students are not allowed to drink from the water fountains in our classrooms. Please have your child bring in a water bottle so that they can have water when they are thirsty. We are also encouraging students to take their bottles with them when we go out to recess and when we have physical education. If they empty their bottle they are allowed to refill them from any fountain in the school. 

     Please remember that it is strongly encouraged for all students to wear a mask at school and on school busses. I know that some of you have opted your child out of wearing a mask. We have had some positive cases of Covid amongst students at our school. Students get a mask break for their morning snack, at lunch, during recess, and again after recess when we are cooling off from being outside. Please consider having your child wear a mask whenever possible. 

September 1st - 30th
PTO Fall Fundraiser

9/2 Thursday
Virtual Open House 6-7

9/3 Friday
Virtual PTO Meeting 8:45

9/6 Monday
No School--Labor Day

     This week in math we will begin working on the standard addition and subtraction algorithm. This will be math more like the traditional math that many of you grew up doing in school. Most students do very well with the addition algorithm, but many struggle with subtraction when regrouping (borrowing) is needed. 
     As part of our standard students will also be tasked with finding missing digits in algorithms. When solving these problems I tell students to pretend like the answer is not there and to solve it like normal regrouping as needed. When they get to place where the missing digit is located they will be able to figure it out automatically.
For this problem the missing digit is 9. Students will have these types of problems for both addition and subtraction. 

     This week in science we will finish unit 1. Science books were finally delivered last week. Unfortunately, we are still several books short of what we need. Some students will receive a text book and some will receive a copy of unit 1. We are hoping the additional books will be here soon. 
     For homework this week students will be given a quiz for lessons 1 and 2. Students will get their copy on Monday. The quiz is not due until Friday. Students may use their books and journals to complete the work. The questions on our science quizzes and tests are more application based than information based. Students need to use the information that they have learned together to apply it to real world situations. 

Monday: Science: Complete Unit 1 Lessons 1-2 quiz

Tuesday: Science: Complete Lesson 3 Digital Lesson
           Math: Complete Lesson 13 Homework Sheet

Wednesday: Science: Complete Lesson 4 Digital Lesson
              Math: Complete Lesson 14 Homework Sheet

Thursday: Science: Complete Lesson 5 Digital Lesson
            Math: Complete Lesson 15 Homework Sheet

Have a GREAT week,


Friday, August 20, 2021

Week of August 23rd


Happy Monday Everyone,

     We are clipping along here at JBE trying our best to get in the groove of a new school year. We have been completing several district diagnostic tests here at school. We are just about done with all of them. Once they are completed students will receive a Data Chat sheets that shows the scores. These results will be used to assist me in seeing the strengths and weaknesses your child has in math.

     As part of our Covid Protocols, students are not allowed to drink from the water fountains in our classrooms. Please have your child bring in a water bottle so that they can have water when they are thirsty. We are also encouraging students to take their bottles with them when we go out to recess and when we have physical education. If they empty their bottle they are allowed to refill them from any fountain in the school. 

     Please remember that it is strongly encouraged for all students to wear a mask at school and on school busses. I know that some of you have opted your child out of wearing a mask. We have had some positive cases of Covid amongst students at our school. Students get a mask break for their morning snack, at lunch, during recess, and again after recess when we are cooling off from being outside. Please consider having your child wear a mask whenever possible. 

     We have our first early release day on this Wednesday. Please make sure your child knows how they are going home. Dismissal will begin at 1:15. Students are allowed to stay in extended day only if they are signed up for the Extended Day program.

    I know with a new school year and for some a new school a lot of questions are on your minds. We hope to be able to answer all of your questions at Open House. Mark your calendar for Open House on Thursday September 2nd from 6-7. This year's event will be presented on TEAMS. Mrs. Lomblo and I will send out a link when we get closer to the day of the event.

August 16th - September 10th
District Baseline Testing

8/25 Wednesday
Early Release

8/26 Thursday
Math Quiz

September 1st - 30th
PTO Fall Fundraiser

9/2 Thursday
Virtual Open House 6-7

9/3 Friday
Virtual PTO Meeting 8:45

     This week in math, we will continue our work with our numbers in base 10. At the beginning of the week we will work on rounding whole numbers to any place. On Thursday students will take their first quiz. It will cover all of the work that we have done since the beginning of school. We will end of the week beginning our work on using the addition standard algorithm. Students will use the algorithm to solve problems. They will also be presented with problems that have missing digits. Students will have to use strategies to figure out what number is missing from the algorithm.

     This week in science, we will continue working on unit 1. We are currently waiting delivery of our science text books. Since students do not have their textbooks yet, I am assigning the online student textbook for students to read for homework.

Monday: Science: Read Unit 1 Lesson 1 on Ed Your Friend in Learning

Tuesday: Science: Read Unit 1 Lesson 2 on Ed Your Friend in Learning

Wednesday: Math: Complete Math Sheet

Thursday: Science: Complete Unit 1 Lesson 2 Digital Lesson on Ed Your Friend in Learning

Have a GREAT week,

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Week of August 16th


Welcome to the 2nd Week of School,

     I hope everyone had a smooth first week of school. I know it is hard getting back in the routine of school, but everyone seems to be on track. If you have not returned your child's back to school forms please do so by the end of the week. There are important forms for ordering class shirts, signing up for 100 Mile Club, forms for registration forms. Please also consider signing up for PTO. Our JBE PTO is a wonderful organization that does a lot for our school. It is also the only way to receive Car Tags for when your child is a car rider for afternoon dismissal. 

August 16th - September 10th
District Baseline Testing

8/20 Friday
Adventure Landing "Fun"raiser 4-7

8/25 Wednesday
Early Release

September 1st - 30th
PTO Fall Fundraiser

9/2 Thursday
Virtual Open House 6-7

9/3 Friday
Virtual PTO Meeting 8:45

     This week in math we will work strategies for converting unit form into standard form. 

For example; 40 hundreds is equal to 40 x 100 which equals 4,000. 

3 thousands + 53 tens + 7 ones=3 x 1,000 + 53 x 10 + 7 x 1=3,000 + 530 + 7= 3,537

     Students will also review how to read multi-digit whole numbers. Students sometimes have difficulty reading numbers that are larger than 3 digits. The trouble comes when transitioning from one period to another. For example some students might read 321,456 as 3 thousand 21 4 hundred 56. When it should be read 3 hundred 21 thousand, four hundred 56. It is also important that students do not insert the word "and" when reading numbers. The word "and" indicates that the number is a decimal number. We will cover decimals later in the school year so it is important that students do not develop the habit of saying four hundred and fifty-six. Instead they should say four hundred fifty six. 

     At the end of the week we will also learn about comparing numbers using >, <,  and = symbols. In fourth grade we will work with numbers up to the millions place. 

    The only homework this week is for students to take the HMH Growth Measure Math K-8 diagnostic. This is a diagnostic test for me to gain insight into your child's current math abilities. This does not count for a grade. The results from this and all diagnostic work we do is to help me figure out your child's math levels. In this way I have a better idea of what level of support your child needs for math. Please do not help them answer the questions. If they ask simply tell them to make their best guess if they don't know how to answer a question. 

   To get to the assessment, please follow the directions below.

*Log in to the students Blended Learning account.

*Find and click on Ed Your Friend in Learning

*Go to Assignments.

*Click on HMH Growth Measure

This is the only math homework this week, so please allow your child to complete a little each night until they get it completed. If they don't finish it by Thursday they can work on it next week.

    This week in science we will continue learning about what scientists do in their jobs. Students do have their first homework assignment this week. Students need to complete the digital lesson for lesson 1. 
   Students access science digital lessons by logging into their Blended Learning account. Then click on Ed Your Friend in Learning. Once in go to Assignments and find the digital lesson link. Once complete please go back to the assignments page and click Submit. 

Monday: Math: Begin working on HMH Growth Measure for Math

Tuesday: Math: Work on HMH Growth Measure for Math

Wednesday: Math: Work on HMH Growth Measure for Math

Thursday: Science: Unit 1 Lesson 1 Digital Lesson: What Do Scientists Do?

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Welcome Back

Welcome Back Everyone,

     I hope everyone had a wonderful summer vacation!! I would like to officially welcome you to 4th Grade!! I am so glad that you are in my class and I look forward to getting to know everyone. I really enjoyed meeting everyone at Orientation today. 

8/9 Monday
Last Names A-L 12:30-1:30
Last Names M-Z 2:00-3:00

8/10 Tuesday
First Day of School

8/11 Wednesday
Code of Conduct Assembly 1:15-1:45

8/25 Wednesday
Early Release

     This week in math we work on some getting to know you math activities. Students will begin working on their first in class math project, Math About Me. For this project students will use numbers that describe them with an identifier. For example a student might write something like 2 I have two pets, a dog and a cat. 
    For our math content we will begin working on Module 1. In this module we will extend place value concepts that students have previously learned about in lower grades. This week we will work on standard NBT.1.1. For this standard students will learn that a digit in one place is ten times greater than the place to it's right. For example in the number 7,277. The 7 in tens place is 10 times greater than the 7 in the ones place. However the 7 in the thousands place is 100 times greater than the 7 in the tens and 1,000 times greater than the 7 in ones place. 
     This week in science we will complete some getting to know you activities related to science. We will also begin working on our first unit, Nature of Science. In this unit we will learn what science is, what scientist are, and how we will work like scientist to complete our work in science. Students have access to their science book online. Students can get to their online book in one of two ways.
*One View-Student logs into their One View page. Click on Blended Learning. Scroll down to and click Ed Your Friend in Learning.
*Student Software-Through the DCPS homepage click on Students and Families. Scroll down and click on Blended Learning. Scroll down and click on HMH Florida Science

Monday: No School Orientation

Tuesday: All About Me Sheet Students can decorate their sheet will color and photographs. We will display these sheets when students are selected to be our Student of Week.

Wednesday: Work on All About Me

Thursday: Work on All About Me

Friday: Return All About Me Sheet and Back to School Forms

Have a Great Week,
Ms. Johnson