Friday, August 26, 2022

Week of August 29th


Hi Everyone,

     We are entering the third week of school. An we are all still getting used to the rituals and routines of 4th grade. We are off on Monday September 5th for Labor Day. I hope everyone enjoys the 3-day weekend!!
    I would like to thank everyone that took the time to purchase items off of my Amazon Class Wishlist. It is so appreciated. I am humbled by your kindness. 

     I am looking for volunteers to cut game pieces and cards for the new math games that game along with our new math curriculum. If you are interested I will send home the materials with your child and you can cut the parts out at home. If you are interested please send me an email, Thanks in advance for your help.

College Colors Day
     In preparation for the college football season, this Friday 9/2 is known as College Colors Day. Students can wear the gear or colors of their favorite college team!!

I will of course be sporting my orange and green to represent my beloved FAMU!! What is your favorite college?

8/29 Monday
Science Quiz on Unit 1 Lessons 1 and 2

8/31 Wednesday
Early Release

9/2 Friday
Math Quiz-Unit 1 Place Value

9/2 Friday
College Colors Day--Wear your favorite college's gear!!

9/5 Monday
Labor Day - No School

9/8 Thursday
Open House @ 5:30

9/29 Thursday
Science Night @ 6:00

    This week in math, we will continue our work on place value. This week we will cover comparing and ordering numbers and rounding. Some things that you can work on at home to help reinforce our math work at school are listed below.
* Have your child read larger numbers (through the millions) at home. Sometimes students have difficulty reading larger numbers.
* Even though students have worked on rounding numbers in previous grades, it can sometimes be a difficult skill to master. Have your child round numbers to various places. For example: Given the number 254,861. You might ask your child to round the number to the nearest ten, nearest hundred thousand, nearest hundred.
This Week's Math Skills

Math Technology Homework
     Due to a glitch in the student schedules some students did not get the Freckle Diagnostic in their Student Backpack. If your child completed the work they will not have any technology homework this week. If your child did not get the assignment last week that is their technology homework for this week. 
     To those new to Freckle please use the directions below to access the program.
*Go to OneView.
*Click on Blended Learning.
*Scroll down and click on Renaissance Learning.
*Click Freckle.
*Click my name.
*Click on the Backpack.
*Click on the assignment.
Please keep in mind that this is a diagnostic assignment. I am trying to gather data about your child's mathematical knowledge. The test covers 4th grade standards so students will not know how to solve many of the questions. If they ask you for assistance simply tell them to make their best guess and keep going. 
Math Clips and Websites

*Comparing Whole Numbers

     This week in science we will finish our study of the scientific method and other skills that scientist use. We will also learn about some of the common tools that scientist use and why scientist compare the results that they get. 
This Week's Science Skills

Science Clips and Websites

Scientific Method 

Monday: Math: Freckle Diagnostic

Tuesday: Math: Complete Lesson 2-3 Sheet

Wednesday: Science: Complete pages 6, 7, and 8

Thursday: Math: Complete Lesson 2-4 Sheet

Have a Wonderful Week and Fun 3-Day Weekend,
Ms. Johnson 

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Week of August 22nd


Happy 2nd Week of School,
     We had a great first week of school last week. Both classes are so awesome. I can already tell that we are going to have a great year!!
    During arrival, students sit in the hall outside of our classrooms until 8:30. During this time we ask that students have a book in their backpacks so that they can read quietly. Students may also have a sketch book for drawing, a crossword puzzle or sudoku book. 
    During dismissal we have D.E.A.R. (Drop Everything and Read) time. During dismissal time we like to decompress from the day and read. This also ensures that the students (especially bus riders) are quiet enough to hear their busses being called. Students may either pull out their book, borrow a classroom book, or sit quietly.
Snack Time
     We have a working snack time daily. After we return to the room after our daily resource students may pull out their snack if they are hungry. Students may bring a snack of their choice from home to have during this time.
     We will begin homework this week. Students will copy down their homework assignments in their Student Planners on Monday. Technology homework will be listed on Monday. Students have the entire week to complete any technology work and students have until Friday to complete the work and submit it on the platform it was assigned. Any paper/pencil assignments are due the after it was given out in class. For example the homework assignment that is given out in class on Tuesday is due on Wednesday. If students accidently forget to do their homework or leave it at home I will accept the work until the Friday of the that week. If it was a Thursday night assignment I will accept it on Monday of the following week.
     The homework I assign, should not take the students very long to complete. Just a few minutes so that they can practice the skills that we are learning in class. If you notice it takes your child a really long time to complete the work or they have difficulty with the assignment please let me know. During class we frequently take notes in our math and science journals. Students are allowed/encouraged to bring them home for reminders on strategies to use for the skills the assignment covers. 
     Homework grades are entered into the gradebook. Student work will be graded based on two criteria; the work was complete and it was returned on time. I hope that they are able to answer the questions correctly, but homework is a time to practice so I am not looking for perfection. The homework is based on skills that we are currently/previously working on so they hopefully can complete it on their own. However, if they have questions or need assistance parents are allowed to help.   

8/29 Monday
Math Quiz-Unit 1 Place Value

8/31 Wednesday
Early Release

9/5 Monday
Labor Day - No School

9/8 Thursday
Open House

9/29 Thursday
Science Night @ 6:00

     This week in math, we will complete our review unit of third grade skills and begin our first unit. Unit 1 will cover place value skills. Unit 1 skills include the following:
* understand the value of digits in a multi-digit whole number to the millions place
*recognize that the value of digits increases by 10 as you move to the left and decreases by 10 as you move to the right in a multi-digit whole number to the millions place
*read and write numbers from 1 to 1,000,000 in standard form, word form, and expanded form
*compare and order multi-digit whole numbers to the millions
*round multi-digit whole numbers to any place
     This week our work will focus on understanding the value of digits (1), recognizing that the value of digits increases each place to the left and decreases moving to the right (2), and comparing and ordering multi-digit numbers (3).
1 Each digit has a value depending on it's place in the number
2 The number to the left is 10 times greater than the number to right.
2 The number to right is 1/10 the less than the number to left.

3 Numbers can be ordered from least to greatest or from greatest to least.

     The only technology homework this week is for students to take the HMH Growth Measure Math K-8 diagnostic. This is a diagnostic test for me to gain insight into your child's current math abilities. This does not count for a grade. The results from this and all diagnostic work we do is to help me figure out your child's math levels. In this way I have a better idea of what level of support your child needs for math. Please do not help them answer the questions. If they ask simply tell them to make their best guess if they don't know how to answer a question. 

   To get to the assessment, please follow the directions below.

*Log in to the students Blended Learning account.

*Find and click on Florida Science

*Go to Assignments.

*Click on HMH Growth Measure

This is the only technology homework this week, so please allow your child to complete a little each night until they get it completed. If they don't finish it by Thursday they can work on it next week.

Math Clips and Websites

*Representing Numbers
*Number Relationships
*Comparing Numbers

    This week in science we will continue our work in Unit 1, Studying Science. Last week we learned about what science is and what scientist do. This week we will learn about some of the skills that scientists use to do their jobs.
Science Clips and Websites

*Scientific Method
Monday: Math: Log in to Florida Science and begin working on Math Growth Measure

Tuesday: Science: Complete pages 3-5 your pink science book (due on Wed.)

Wednesday: Math: Complete math sheet for lesson 2-1 (due on Thurs.)

Thursday: Math: Complete math sheet for lesson 2-2 (due on Fri.)

Have a GREAT Week,
Ms. Johnson



Monday, August 15, 2022

Week of August 15th


Welcome to 4th Grade,

     It was a pleasure to meet everyone at Orientation on Friday!! I can't wait to get to know everyone.

     Please spend this week completing the forms in the back to school packet. A form of special note is the class shirt form. Students will need their school shirt for many activities including field trips and play day. 

8/15 Monday
1st Day of School

8/16 Tuesday
Code of Conduct Assembly

8/19 Friday
Adventure Landing "Fun"draiser

8/31 Wednesday
Early Release

    This week in math we will begin our work by learning about ourselves as mathematicians. Our first unit has six lessons. On each day students will be reviewing third grade standards while learning about themselves as mathematicians. The included lessons are Math is Mine, Math is Exploring and Thinking, Math is in My World, Math is Explaining and Sharing, Math is Finding Patterns, and Math is Ours. These lessons will extend into next week. We will then begin exploring place value concepts. 

     This week in science we will complete some getting to know you activities related to science. We will also begin working on our first unit, Nature of Science. In this unit we will learn what science is, what scientist are, and how we will work like scientist to complete our work in science. Students have access to their science book online. Students can get to their online book in one of two ways.

*One View-Student logs into their One View page. Click on Blended Learning. Scroll down to and click Florida Science.
*Student Software-Through the DCPS homepage click on Students and Families. Scroll down and click on Blended Learning. Scroll down and click on HMH Florida Science


Monday: Work on Student of the Week Poster due on Friday.

Tuesday: Work on Student of the Week Poster

Wednesday: Work on Student of the Week Poster

Thursday: Work on Student of the Week Poster

Have a GREAT Week,
Ms. Johnson