Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Week of February 20, 2023


Happy Wednesday Everyone,

     We are starting our annual Starfish Sprint Fundraiser today!! Students are bringing home information about the fundraiser with them today. We will have dress up days to help keep students motivated towards our school goal of $60,000. Please go on or use the QR Code on the flier to register. Registration is free and the information is only used for the fundraiser. It is not shared with anyone else. Every student that registers will win a Homework Pass from PTO that can be used in either my class or Mrs. Lomblo's class. Please check with her about Achieve Articles. 

     We will have class pictures taken on this Monday 2/27. All students will be included in the picture. The picture will also be used in the yearbook. Students may also take individual pictures. Students will only be sent for individual pictures with a note or email from you. Students will bring home the official order form this week. 

2/22 Wednesday
Early Release

2/22 Wednesday
PTO Fundraiser Pep Rally

2/23 Thursday
Unit 4 Science Test

2/23 Thursday
Backwards Day

2/24 Friday
Unit 12 Math Test

2/24 Friday
Pajama Day

2/27 Monday
Picture Day

2/27 Monday 
Stuffed Animal Day

2/28 Tuesday
Tie Dye Day

3/1 Wednesday
Crazy Hair Day

3/2 Thursday
Sports/Team Gear Day

3/3 Friday
Starfish Sprint Today
Wear your class shirt.

3/10 Friday
Play Day

    This week in math, we will complete our work on unit 12. With the completion of unit 12 we will finish our work on fractions and decimals. Next week we will begin our work on unit 13, which will cover our standards dealing with data.

     This week in science, we will complete unit 4 on weathering/erosion, rocks, minerals and natural resources. Students will have their test on Thursday. Next week we will begin our new unit on Earth's place in space. 

Monday: No School

Tuesday: Math: Freckle: Fact Practice
Science: HMH Unit 4 Lesson 5 Which Resources are Found in Florida

Wednesday: Science: Study for Unit 4 Test

Thursday: Math: Study for Unit 12 Test

Have Wonderful Week,
Ms. Johnson

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Week of February 13, 2023


Happy Monday Everyone,

    We will celebrate Valentine's Day on tomorrow 2/14 at the end of the school day. I forgot to include a request for cupcakes and drink boxes last week. However if anyone can volunteer to send in one or the other it would be greatly appreciated. 

    We will have two four day weeks in a row!! Students are off on this Friday 2/17, due to a weather day. Students are also off on Monday 2/20, due to President's Day. I will be off on a birthday adventure on Thursday 2/16. Mrs. Cindy King will be subbing for me. If anything comes up please contact Mrs. Lomblo. 

2/14 Tuesday
Valentine's Day Card Exchange

2/16 Thursday
Ms. Johnson will be out

2/17 Friday
No School Weather Day

2/20 Monday
No School Presidents Day

2/22 Wednesday
Early Release

2/22 Wednesday
PTO Fundraiser Pep Rally

2/24 Friday
Unit 12 Math Test

    This week in math, we will continue working on unit 12. This week we will focus on one-tenth more or less, one hundredth more or less, and adding and subtracting multi-digit numbers with decimals. 
    Please be aware that our standard for adding and subtracting decimals specifically states that students will perform this work with the use of manipulatives and models based on place value. Students will explore addition and subtraction of decimals to the hundredths using manipulatives, visual models, discussions, estimation and drawing. 

   This week in science we will begin learning about the classification of rocks. Rocks are classified into three groups; igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks. and metamorphic rocks. Rocks are classified based on how they are created. 
Igneous Rocks-Rocks that are created when lava (above ground molten rock) and magma (below ground molten rock) cools to form rock. You can tell the difference between the types based on the size of the mineral crystals. Lava formed igneous rock have small to no crystals because they cool quickly. Magma formed rocks have very large crystals because they cool very slowly.
Sedimentary Rocks-Rocks that are created when the sediment of previously weathered rock is pressed together. Sedimentary rock can usually be identified by the different colored layers in the rock.
Metamorphic Rocks-Rocks that form when Earth's processes change the mineral grain of other rocks. Metamorphic rock can form as a result of high heat, high pressure, or a combination of both. 

Monday: Math: Freckle: Fact Practice
Science: HMH Unit 4 Lesson 4 Digital Lesson How Can Rocks be Classified?

Tuesday: Math: Lessons 5 and 6 sheet

Wednesday: Math: Lesson 7 sheet


Have Wonderful Week,
Ms. Johnson

Friday, February 3, 2023

Week of 2/6/2023


Happy Monday Everyone,

     I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend!! Progress reports for the 3rd quarter will come home on Wednesday 2/8. Please review the grades, sign the form and return it to school as soon as you can. 
    We will be traveling to MOSH this Friday. Please have your child wear their JBE shirt. Students will need a bag lunch with a drink. Please pack your child's lunch in a paper, plastic or ziploc bag. We have limited space in the cooler and lunch boxes take up too much space. 
     We are planning to leave school at 9:30. Students will be allowed to have their snack before we leave, so students my want to include a snack with their bag lunch. 
     Thank you to the volunteers that will be helping me chaperone the field trip, Wyatt's Mom, Aly's Dad, Isaac's Mom, Aashi's Mom, and Simon's Mom. If you are a chaperone, you will have to provide your own transportation. You may follow us from school or meet us outside of the museum. 

2/8 Wednesday
3rd Quarter Progress Reports

2/8 Wednesday
Science Quiz on Minerals

2/14 Tuesday
Valentine's Day Card Exchange

2/16 Thursday
Ms. Johnson will be out

2/17 Friday
No School Weather Day

2/20 Monday
No School Presidents Day

2/22 Wednesday
Early Release

2/22 Wednesday
PTO Fundraiser Pep Rally

2/24 Friday
Unit 12 Math Test

    This week in math, we will begin working on unit 12.
In this unit, Decimal Fractions, your child will learn to understand the relationship between fractions over 10 or 100 and decimals, order decimals to the hundredths place, and explore the addition and subtraction of decimals to the hundredths place.

     This week in science, we will continue our study of minerals. Students have learned that rocks and minerals are two different things. Minerals are their own special item and all rocks have at least one mineral in their make up. We have also learned that geologists used different properties to identify minerals. 

     For this quarters science extra credit, students can bring in a rock/mineral or a book on rocks and minerals. They must present to the class and their classmates will ask them questions. On Friday of this week we will begin to study about the classification of rocks.
For extra credit in science this quarter, students can bring in a rock/mineral to share with the class. They must present to the class and their classmates will ask them questions. 

Monday: Math: Freckle: Fact Practice and Compare Fractions on a Number Line
Science: HMH Unit 4 Lesson 3 Digital Lesson What Are Properties of Minerals?

Tuesday: Math: Lessons 1 and 2 sheet

Wednesday: Math: Lesson 3 sheet

Thursday: Math: Lesson 4 sheet

Have Wonderful Week,
Ms. Johnson