Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Week of December 16, 2019

Happy Last Week of School,

     I hope everyone is having a great week so far. We have a short week of school this week. Please remember that this is no school on Friday 12/20 and students do not return until Tuesday 1/7. 


December 17th, Tuesday
*Spelling Bee @ 9:00
*Chorus Field Trip
*Math Test on Module 4

December 19th, Thursday
*Last day to turn in 2nd Quarter Assignments
*Winter Festival-Wear a holiday shirt or sweater

December 20th-January 6th
Winter Break

January 6th, Monday
*Last day to complete optional Winter Break Assignment
*Teacher Planning Day

January 14th and 15th
Math PMA #2 

January 20th, Monday
MLK Jr. Holiday-No School

January 24th, Friday

Student Led Conferences-Billiard's Homeroom

January 26th-31st
Literacy Week

February 7th, Friday
Student Led Conferences-Johnson's Homeroom

February 17th, Monday
President's Day-No School

March 3rd, Tuesday
Module 5-Math Test

March 6th, Friday
Field Trip-St. Augustine

March 9th-13th
Spring Break

     This week in math, we will take our end of module test for geometry. Students will take their test on Tuesday. When we return to school in January we will begin module 5. Our new module will cover fraction concepts. Students will learn how to decompose fractions, add and subtract fractions, multiply fractions by fractions and whole numbers, how to change an improper fraction into a mixed number, how to compare fractions with unlike denominators, and how to find equivalent fractions.
     Students will have an optional assignment to complete during winter break. I will give students a hard copy in class. I will also email a copy to parents. Students can earn both extra credit for their math grade and tickets. 

     This week in science we will dicuss conductors and insulators. Conductors are materials that let heat pass easily through them and insulators limit the amount of heat that is let through. We will discuss that sometimes having one type of material is better than the others, depending on the job to be done. 

Have a wonderful winter break,

Monday, December 2, 2019

Week of December 2nd

Happy Monday Everyone, 

     I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving break. Time off to spend with family and friends. We will be on Winter Break in 3 short weeks. In the meantime our schedule is full of activities. Please see the Important Dates section below.

     Because of the passing of Joe Dewaele, we had a school counselor come in to speak with the students today.  

     As we draw closer to mid-year, please take this time to talk with your child a supply refresh. Many students have run out of glue and pencils. Some students have also managed to misplace their scissors. 

December 2nd-4th
Book Swap Collection Period

December 4th Wednesday
Science Test on Energy

December 5th Thursday
*Geometry Mid-Module Quiz
*PTO Book Swap

December 6th Friday
i-Ready Math Diagnostic Testing

December 11th Wednesday
*Cultural Assembly
*Wellness Wednesday
*Early Release @ 1:15

December 12th Thursay
PTO Family Dinner 6:00-8:00

December 17th Tuesday
Geometry End of Module Test

December 19th Thursday
Winter Festival Party

December 20th - January 6th
Winter Break-No School

     This week in math students will learn how to use a protractor to both measure angles and draw angles of a specified degree. We will take a quiz on Thursday that will cover everything that we discussed so far in Module 4. 


     This week in science we will finish our unit on energy. Students will take their test on Wednesday. We will then begin working on a unit on heat energy. Students will learn what heat is and how moves. We will learn that heat moves from warmer objects/places to cooler objects/places until the temperture of both objects/places are the same. We will learn that heat is transfered in 3 ways. Conduction-heat transfer when objects touch each other. Convection-heat transfer through liquids or gases. Radiation-heat transferred without matter to carry it. 

Have a great week,
Ms. Johnson

Monday, November 4, 2019

Week of November 4, 2019

Happy Monday Everyone,

     Our field trip to the Alhambra is tomorrow, 11/5. We are planning to leave school at 9:15 and return at 11:30. We will have a mostly normal day. My homeroom will work on math in the morning and Ms. Billiard's homeroom will work on reading. When we return we will go to lunch and recess and then switch classes for our afternoon work.

     On Friday we will have our annual JBE Veteran's Day Flag Raising Ceremony. All military members, retired and active duty, are invited to attend. The ceremony will begin at 9:00. 

November 5th, Tuesday
Alhambra Field Trip

November 8th, Friday
Veteran's Day Flag Raising @ 9:00

November 8th, Friday
Unit 1 Science Choice Board Project Due

November 8th, Friday
Genius Hour Question 1 Due

November 11th, Monday
Veteran's Day No School

November 12th-15th
Ms. Johnson will be out

November 21st, Thursday
Colonial Kids In-School Field Trip

November 27th-28th
Thanksgiving Holiday No School

     This week in math we will continue to work on division. Students will also begin learning about relational thinking to decide if an equation is true or false. You may be familiar with this concept by the name, balanced equations. Relational thinking mostly concerns examining the relations between the given quantities rather than finding the result of operations. Students will be asked to look at two equations with an equal sign in between them and decide if the two equations are equal to each other. This skill uses place value understanding and the ability to use mental math. I am including some examples of these types of problems below. 

127 + 46 = 131 + 42
1 Look at the first number in each equation.
2 Determine how far the numbers are from each other.

3 Use the inverse operation from addition, which is subtraction, to determine how much greater on numbers is than other. If the inverse gives you the opposite, then the equation is true. 

127 – 49 = 131 – 53

1 Look at the first number in each equation.
2 Determine how far the numbers are from each other.
3 Look at the numbers after the minus sign.
4 Determine how far the numbers are from each other.
5 In order for the equation to be true, the second set of numbers must use the same operation and be the same distance apart as the first set of numbers. 

     This week in science we will work on forms of energy. In fourth grade we will learn about potential, kinetic, mechanical, electrical, radiant, thermal and sound energies. This week we will complete our discussion of the main forms mentioned above and begin to discuss sound energy. In fourth grade students have to investigate and explain that sound is produced by vibrating objects and that pitch depends on how fast or slow the object vibrates.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Week of 10/28

Happy Victory Monday Everyone,

     We had a wonderful time with Red Ribbon Week last week. Thank you to everyone that participated in the daily events and activities. 
      Students will be bringing home their report cards for the 1st quarter today. Please sign the envelope and the backs of the gifted progress reports. Please return the envelope and the gifted progress reports no later than this Friday. You will receive a copy of the gifted progress reports at the end of the school year. 
October 28th Monday
Report Cards

October 30th Wednesday
Wellness Wednesday Lesson
Early Release @ 1:10

October 31st Thursday
Science Test on Unit 6
Physical and Chemical Changes in Matter

November 1st Friday
Signed Report/Gifted Progress Reports Due

November 5th Tuesday
Alhambra Field Trip

November 8th Friday
Veteran's Day Celebration

     Our field trip to the Alhambra is Tuesday November 5th. We will see Hansel and Gretel. We are planning to leave JBE at 9:15 and return at 11:30. We are asking students to dress nicely, but not super fancy. Upon our return we will go to the cafeteria for our normal lunch time. After lunch we will go out for recess and then have classes in the afternoon. 

     Students will begin working on standards for division this week. Just like our multiplication standards we will not be learning or using the standard long division algorithm. We will learn the strategies of multiplying up, the area model for division, and partial quotients. In 4th grade we will work with problems with up to 4-digit dividends and 1 digit divisors. If students know the long division algorithm and want to use it for a checking strategy they may do that. Along with learning how to divide numbers students will also learn how to interpret remainders. 
Area Model for Division

Multiplying Up

Partial Quotients

     On Thursday students will be particpating in a Math-Or-Treating activity in class. Students will be presented a variety of multiplication and division problems. For every problem they solve correctly they will earn a treat. The treats will range from small pieces of candy, halloween pencils, and tickets. 

     This week in science we will take our test on unit 6, physical and chemical changes in matter. The test will be on this Thursday. 
     Our next unit of study will be energy. In our energy unit students will learn about the different forms of energy. Forms such as potential energy, kinetic energy, mechanial energy, thermal (heat) energy, sound energy, electrical energy, and radiant (light) energy. In fourth grade we have specific standards for sound and thermal energy. For sound energy we will go in depth with pitch and frequency. For themal energy we will look at all the ways that heat moves (conduction, convection, and radiation) and materials that are good conductors and insulators.  

     Students have been working on thier research over the past several weeks. Students are approaching a very important due date. On November 8th students need to have Question #1 turned in to Mrs. Chin. Students work is divided into 4 questions centered around one topic. For each question student complete research to answer that question. For grading, students are rquired to have a complete sentence with appropriate punction. Students are also required to have 2 sources. Please feel free to have your child bring home thier journal so that they can show you what they are working on in class. If students complete their work before November 8th they may turn in thier work early.

Have a GREAT week

Aesha Johnson

Monday, October 21, 2019

Week of 10/21

Happy Monday Everyone,

     This week we will celebrate Red Ribbon Week. Please see the schedule of activities below.
Setting our Intention  
• Canine Unit Presentation (9:30-10:00 a.m.) 
• Homeroom teachers will briefly discuss Red Ribbon Week and why we celebrate this event! They will review the activities for the week and give each student a Red Ribbon sticker! • Homeroom teachers will issue the Drug Free Pledge Card to K-5 th students to take home and share with their families! 
“Turn Your Backs” on Drugs 
• Students are encouraged to wear something backwards (hat, shirt, etc.) to display that they have made up their minds to turn themselves against drugs! 
• Photo booth during lunch sponsored by FOJBE PTO! 
“Unity Run” Against Bullying Day 
• Wear something orange to run in unity as a school community and represent that we stand against drugs, alcohol, and bullying! • The run will take place during our regular 100-mile club run from 7:45- 8:15 a.m. 
“Sock It” to Drugs Day 
• Wear your craziest sock combination on this day to show that we are “socking it to drugs”! 
“Team Up” Against Drugs 
• Students will wear their favorite sports team attire! 
• Student participating in the JBE Buddy Program will meet their “buddy”! 

     This week in math we will discuss factors, multiples and prime and composite numbers. Students will learn strategies for factoring numbers. Students will also begin to understand the rules of divisibility. These discussions will help students have a smoother transition for when we begin to learn our division strategies next week. 
      This week students will take their first timed quiz for 2 minutes and 30 seconds. Students will also take their first timed division quiz for a grade. Please help your child practice. Students can make or buy flash cards for practice. You can also have your child visit, http://www.hoodamath.com/games/mathtimedtests.html . Students can select multiplication or division and the site has a timer. Students are aiming to complete 50 problems in 2 minutes and 30 seconds.
     Students did an AWESOME job on last weeks, PMA (Progress Monitoring Assessment). The average for all 44 students was 90%!!! 

     This week in science we will finish our work with magnets and begin to discuss physical and chemical changes in matter. A physical change is a change to the shape, size or state of matter. A physical change does not change the matter to a new substance. A chemical change is a change to matter that results in a new substance being created. Some signs that a chemical change has occurred are:
*a gas forms
*light appears
*heat appears
*there is a change in color

     Please make sure that your child has registered for their Brain Pop account. When they register please make sure that they write down their user name and password. Some students are not being responsible and keeping up with their information. Students are not allowed to register for a new account simply because they can not remember their log in information. Some students have as many as 5 accounts. It is recommended that students use their "s" number for their username and their regular computer password for the password. That way it is something that they already know and don't have to remember. I am going to through next week and purge any extra accounts.

Ms. Johnson


Monday, October 14, 2019

Week of October 14th

Happy Monday Everyone,

     Even though this is a short week, we still have plenty of activities happening at school. Please carefully review the calendar section.

October 14th Monday
End of 1st Grading Period

October 15th Tuesday
Module 3 Math Quiz on Area/Perimeter and Multiplication Strategies

October 15th Tuesday
Picture Retakes

October 16th Wednesday
District Math PMA #1 Test

October 17th Thursday
Field Trip to the Public Library 10:00-11:30 Wear Class Shirt

October 18th Friday
Teacher Planning Day No School For Students

October 21st-25th
Red Ribbon Week

October 25th Friday
PTO Monster Mash

     We will be going on our first field trip on this Thursday. We will go to the Pablo Creek Library. This is a district required field trip so that students can learn all about the wonderful services that our Jacksonville Public Library offers. Students will complete an activity and also get the chance to check out books. Any books that students check out can either be returned to any Jacksonville Public Library or to our very own JBE library. 
     I would like to thank everyone for their quick response in returning permission slips and money for the Alhambra field trip on November 5th. Even though we will not be eating lunch at the Alhambra we are still asking students to dress nicely for this trip. Girls, nothing too fancy we will be going straight to recess and then to lunch when we return, and you may not have time to change clothes. Tennis shoes are okay given the circumstances. 

     This week in math we continue our work on multiplication. Students will begin applying their learning with multi-step, multi-operation word problems. Up until now our multi-step problems only included addition and subtraction. Our problems will now also include multiplication. Students will also encounter word problems with measurement conversions as part of steps to solve the problem. We will take a quiz on Tuesday covering the concepts that we have worked on so far in Module 3.
     On Wednesday, students will take PMA #1. PMA stands for Progress Monitoring Assessment. These tests are district required to monitor how well schools are following the district pacing guide. They also monitor how well students are learning the standards that have been taught. The test will cover everything that we have worked since school began in August. At JBE we are doing really well in keeping pace. We have covered everything that will be on the test except for our division standard. We will take a grade on this test and put it in as either a test or quiz grade. Depending on the number of division questions that are asked on the test will determine whether or not we throw those questions out or include them in the final grade. Students were exposed to division in third grade. 

     This week in science we will complete a study of magnets. Students need to know and understand magnets can attract magnetic materials and attract and repel other magnets. We will learn this through investigation and study.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Week of 10/7/19

Happy Rainy Monday Everyone,

     This is the last week of the 1st Grading Period. It's hard to believe that we just started school 9 weeks ago. The students are doing tremendously well with all of our rituals and routines. If students have any incomplete grades, I will accept them all the way up to Thursday October 17th. I have to have all of my grades submitted to Ms. Mattingly on Friday October 18th. 

     Students should have brought home two permission slips last week. One slip is for our required trip the Jacksonville Public Library. We will go on this trip on Thursday 10/17. This field trip is free students just need to return the permission slip. We are planning to leave school at 9:30 and return to school at 11:30. We will eat our lunch as we normally do at 12:00 in the cafeteria. Please have your child wear their class shirt on this day (Johnson-Green/ Billiard-Orange). If your child does not have a class shirt they may either wear a t-shirt the same color or any JBE shirt. 

      The other permission slip is for a field trip to the Alhambra Theater to see  
We are planning to leave school at 9:30 and return to school at 11:30. Again we will eat lunch at our regular time in the cafeteria. For this trip we are asking students to dress for the theater. It doesn't have to be too dressy. We will probably not have time to change clothes when we return. 

October 7th-11th
Book Fair
Johnson-Wednesday 8:35-9:05
Billiard-Wednesday 9:05-9:35

October 10th & 11th
Donuts With Dads

October 14th Monday
End of 1st Grading Period

October 15th Tuesday
Picture Retakes

October 17th Thursday
Field Trip to the Public Library 10:00-11:30

October 18th Friday
Teacher Planning Day

October 21st-25th
Red Ribbon Week

October 25th Friday
PTO Monster Mash

    This week in math we will begin Module 3. In this module we will work on several skills. We will start with area and perimeter. Students will be asked to find the area and perimeter of squares and rectangles. Students will also be asked to find the dimensions of missing sides given limited information. Here are some problems that we worked on today:


If you need a refresher on area and perimeter, please watch the following video:

We will also learn about multiplicative comparison to solve real-world area and perimeter problems. Multiplicative comparison means comparing two things or sets that need multiplication. We worked on the problem below today:

The dimensions of the porch are
4 feet by 12 feet.
The perimeter of the porch is 32 feet.

During the rest of this module we will learn strategies for solving multiplication and division problems. We will learn about factors and multiples. We will end the module with learning about prime and composite numbers. 

     This week in science we will finish our work on the Law of Conservation of Mass. We will then learn about how water behaves in each state of matter. Our study of the states of matter will focus on how the particles behave in each state. 

We will take a test on lessons 1-4 on this Friday.

Have a GREAT Week!!

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Week of 9/30/2019

Happy Monday Everyone,

     How about that Jaguars game on Sunday!! It was such a roller coaster, but in the end we got the win!! 

     We had a very busy week last week, the Jaguars Spirit Assembly, Early Release, and the sickness that wouldn't end on Friday. We should have a much quieter week this week. 

     We are approaching the end of the quarter. If your child has make up work that they need to complete for a grade. Please they need to complete it by October 14th. Students may arrange to come in before school or stay after school to complete work. They may also come in during any of the following Resources:
Book Check Out
Computer Lab
Due to a district mandate students are not allowed to be pulled from art, music, physical education, or library with Mrs. Strong.

October 7th-11th
Book Fair

October 10th & 11th
Donuts With Dads

October 14th Monday
End of 1st Grading Period

October 15th Tuesday
Picture Retakes

October 17th Thursday
Field Trip to the Public Library 10:00-11:30

October 18th Friday
Teacher Planning Day

October 21st-25th
Red Ribbon Week

October 25th Friday
PTO Monster Mash

     This week in math, we will complete our unit on measurement. We will finish our unit with customary measurement units for length, weight, and volume. Students will once again convert units from larger units to smaller units. Students are responsible for the following:
Students do not have to memorize the conversions, they will be able to use their reference sheet. We glued our reference sheets into our math journals last week. Students will allowed to use their reference sheets on any classroom assignment (tests, quizzes, classwork). Our test will be on this Friday 10/4. Next week we will begin our work with multiplication strategies. 

     This week in science we will continue our work with matter. We will wrap up our work with physical properties. We will then begin discussing The Law of Conservation of Mass. This law states that matter can neither be created or destroyed. The matter will simply change form (physical change or chemical change). This law also states that the mass of an object is equal to the sum of it's parts. If we tear up a 1 gram sheet of paper and then find the mass of each of those pieces the sum of those pieces will still have a mass of 1 gram. 

     Our new laptops in the computer lab do not come with a mouse. If your child needs to have a mouse they are welcomed to bring one from home. They can bring either type, one that uses a usb or one with a cord.