Monday, November 4, 2019

Week of November 4, 2019

Happy Monday Everyone,

     Our field trip to the Alhambra is tomorrow, 11/5. We are planning to leave school at 9:15 and return at 11:30. We will have a mostly normal day. My homeroom will work on math in the morning and Ms. Billiard's homeroom will work on reading. When we return we will go to lunch and recess and then switch classes for our afternoon work.

     On Friday we will have our annual JBE Veteran's Day Flag Raising Ceremony. All military members, retired and active duty, are invited to attend. The ceremony will begin at 9:00. 

November 5th, Tuesday
Alhambra Field Trip

November 8th, Friday
Veteran's Day Flag Raising @ 9:00

November 8th, Friday
Unit 1 Science Choice Board Project Due

November 8th, Friday
Genius Hour Question 1 Due

November 11th, Monday
Veteran's Day No School

November 12th-15th
Ms. Johnson will be out

November 21st, Thursday
Colonial Kids In-School Field Trip

November 27th-28th
Thanksgiving Holiday No School

     This week in math we will continue to work on division. Students will also begin learning about relational thinking to decide if an equation is true or false. You may be familiar with this concept by the name, balanced equations. Relational thinking mostly concerns examining the relations between the given quantities rather than finding the result of operations. Students will be asked to look at two equations with an equal sign in between them and decide if the two equations are equal to each other. This skill uses place value understanding and the ability to use mental math. I am including some examples of these types of problems below. 

127 + 46 = 131 + 42
1 Look at the first number in each equation.
2 Determine how far the numbers are from each other.

3 Use the inverse operation from addition, which is subtraction, to determine how much greater on numbers is than other. If the inverse gives you the opposite, then the equation is true. 

127 – 49 = 131 – 53

1 Look at the first number in each equation.
2 Determine how far the numbers are from each other.
3 Look at the numbers after the minus sign.
4 Determine how far the numbers are from each other.
5 In order for the equation to be true, the second set of numbers must use the same operation and be the same distance apart as the first set of numbers. 

     This week in science we will work on forms of energy. In fourth grade we will learn about potential, kinetic, mechanical, electrical, radiant, thermal and sound energies. This week we will complete our discussion of the main forms mentioned above and begin to discuss sound energy. In fourth grade students have to investigate and explain that sound is produced by vibrating objects and that pitch depends on how fast or slow the object vibrates.

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