Sunday, October 18, 2020

Week of 10/19/2020

 Happy Monday Everyone,

    Welcome to the 2nd Nine Weeks of Fourth Grade!! We made it through the first quarter. Normally that is something that we probably wouldn't take note of, but during this Pandemic I think it's something to celebrate. Students are mostly doing a great job in handling all of our new rules. However we do have a few things to address especially since two schools in the district are now fully virtual because of the number of Covid positive cases on their campuses. Please speak with students about the need to properly wear their masks so that their nose and mouth are fully covered. Students need masks that properly fit them so that their nose and mouth are properly covered. When students sneeze or cough they should not pull their mask down and sneeze/cough into the air. Students should care an extra mask in their backpack just in case they need to change their mask.

10/19/2020 Monday
2nd Quarter Begins

10/20/2020 Tuesday
Student Council Homeroom Rep Speeches and Voting

10/20/2020 Tuesday
Module 3 Quiz

10/22/2020 Thursday
Fall Picture Day

10/23/2020 Friday
Ticket Cash In

10/26 - 10/30
Red Ribbon Week

10/26/2020 Monday
Report Cards Go Home

School - To - Home Folders
No New Papers this week

     This week in math we will finish up our work with multiplication strategies. On Monday students will solve multi-step word problems using addition, subtraction and multiplication. On Tuesday students will complete multiplication work focused on two digit by two digit multiplication problems. On Wednesday we will take a quiz on application of the formulas for area and perimeter and multiplication strategies. On Thursday we will begin looking at factors, multiples and prime and composite numbers. 

     This week in science we will begin working on Unit 6 Matter and It's Changes. In this short two lesson unit we will learn about the differences between physical and chemical changes. This unit will last about two weeks. 

Monday: Math: Complete problems on multi-step, multi-operation problems. Complete 40 minutes of i-Ready and Teacher Assigned Lesson

Tuesday: Math: Freckle: Multi-Digit Multiplication Review. 

Wednesday: Science: Complete Unit 6 Lesson 1 Digital Lesson on HMH Science

Thursday: Math: Complete sheet on finding factors of numbers

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