Friday, January 8, 2021

Week of January 11, 2021


Happy Monday Everyone,

     I hope everyone had a nice weekend. Second quarter report cards and gifted progress reports are coming home on Monday 1/11. Please review the paper work inside the envelope. Sign the envelope and return it to school as soon as possible. All of the papers inside the envelope are yours to keep.

     We have completed half of 4th grade!! With all that hard work your child has put it to having a successful year, they have used a lot of their supplies. Please check with your child about things like pencils and glue sticks, Many have somehow managed to loose their scissors. These supplies will be needed for the rest of the school year. 

1/11 Monday
Second Quarter Report Cards go  home

1/12 - 1/13
i-Ready Math Diagnostic

1/15 Friday
Unit 9 Science Test

1/18 Monday
Martin Luther King Jr. Day - No School

School - To - Home Folder

*Lessons 1 and 2 Exit Ticket-Counted as a classwork grade

     This week in math we will continue our work on fractions. On last Friday we began looking at ways to use a visual model to show that two fractions were equivalent to each other. We will continue with this concept this week.. We will begin to move past the visual models and explore how we can use math operations to generate equivalent fractions. 
     We will take the i-Ready Math Diagnostic on Tuesday and Thursday this week. Students do not have i-Ready homework this week. 

     This week in science we will complete our work on force and motion. Our test will be this Friday. 

Monday: Math: Lesson 5 Homework Sheet

Tuesday: Science: Digital Lesson for Unit 9 Lesson 2

Wednesday: Science: Unit 9 Benchmark Review #'s 1-15 pages 435-436

Thursday: Science: Study for the science test.

Friday: Signed Report Envelopes are due. Science Digital Lesson due

Have a Fabulous Week!!

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