Monday, January 10, 2022

Week of 1/10/2022


Hi Everyone, 
    Welcome to another short week. Students will not have school on Friday due to a scheduled Weather Day. They will also not have school on next Monday due to Martin Luther King Jr. Day. 
    We do not have to worry to much about it being too cold here in the Sunshine State, however we will on occasion have some cold weather. We do end up have a few bitterly cold days here and there. When the high is only in the 50's we will insist on students having something on to keep them warm. This can be a sweatshirt, jacket or coat. If Mrs. Lomblo and I feel that the temperature is low enough we will ask them to add an added layer for recess. They may bring in an emergency sweatshirt or jacket to keep in their cubby or backpack.
     Students are bringing home their 2nd Quarter report cards today. All of the paperwork inside of the envelope are yours to keep. You only need to sign the outside of the envelope where indicated and return it to school as soon as possible. You do not need to cut off the slip located on the bottom right hand corner. 

1/10 Monday
Report Cards Go Home

1/11 Tuesday
Beginning of STAR Math Test

1/13 Thursday
Geometry Test

1/14 Friday
Weather Day--No School

1/17 Monday
Martin Luther King Jr. Day--No School

1/26 Wednesday
Early Release

1/27 Thursday
PTO Talent Show

2/11 Friday
MOSH Field Trip (Tentative)

2/8 Tuesday
3rd Quarter Report Cards

2/21 Monday
President's Day--No School

2/23 Wednesday
Early Release

3/10 Thursday
End of 3rd Quarter

3/11 Friday
Teacher Planning Day--No School

Spring Break--No School

School--To--Home Folder

*Timed Quizzes
*Units 7 & 8 Science Test
*Module 4 Quiz

     This week in math we will complete our unit on geometry. We have one last lesson on the attributes of quadrilaterals that we will work on Monday and Tuesday. We will take our test on Thursday. When we return next week we will begin module 5. Module 5 is all about fractions. 
     Students will begin work on their second STAR diagnostic. STAR is the diagnostic component to Freckle. This work will be done in class. It will not count for a grade. 
     Students will bring home their PMA 2 test report. Our students did great!! Together our two classes had an average of 81% This is significantly higher than the district average. Please review the data with your child, sign the report and return it to school. 
     Before winter break, students learned about the relationship between angles and circles. We used those circles to create our very own Geome-Tree. 

     This week in science we will continue to work on force and motion. This week our focus will be on how different forces affect speed. We will also learn the differences between speed, velocity and acceleration. 

Monday: Math: Review PMA 2 data and get report signed. Freckle Fact Practice and Symmetry
Science: HMH Unit 9 Lesson 2 Digital Lesson

Tuesday: Math: Complete assigned problems on math review.

Wednesday: Math: Study for math test.
Science: Complete pages 53-56 in pink book.

Thursday: Report Card Envelopes due

Have a Wonderful Short Week,

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