Happy Monday Everyone,
We have two more weeks of school before Winter Break!!! That also means that there are only two weeks left in the second quarter. Since the our class white board was removed to prepare for the installation of our new white board/technology wall, I had to erase our list of which students had make up work to complete. I will be sending out emails to let you know if your child has work that needs to be completed. To complete make up work students can come to my room before school, after school or during one of their resource classes in order to complete the assignments.
With so many of the students have colds right now, we are going through our supply of tissue very quickly. Any students that donates a box of tissue to the class will earn 4 tickets.
12/1 - 12/2
District ELA PMA Testing
12/7 - 12/8
District Math PMA Testing
12/9 Friday
Units 7 & 8 Science Test
12/15 Thursday
Unit 8 Math Quiz
12/16 Friday
Last Day of 2nd Quarter
12/16 Friday
Winter Festival
12/16 Friday
Pajama Day
Winter Break
1/3 Tuesday
No School Teacher Planning Day
1/4 Wednesday
Students Return to School
This week in math, we will be working on our fraction standards. This week we will cover, generating equivalent fractions using models, number lines, and multiplication and division facts. We will also cover comparing, ordering and plotting fractions on number lines.
On Wednesday and Thursday, students will take the District's PMA 2 for math. This test will cover all of the 4th grade standards. When I receive the data I will be focused on just those topics that we have studied so far this year. The test is broken into two sessions and students will get 60 minutes for each session. Please make sure your child gets plenty of rest and has a filling breakfast.
This week in science we will finish our discussion of heat energy. Heat (thermal) energy is the energy that moves between objects of different temperatures. Heat moves from warmer objects/places to cooler objects/places until both are the same temperature. Heat moves in three different ways; conduction, convection, and radiation. Conduction is when heat moves between objects that touch. Convection is heat movement through a liquid or a gas. Radiation is the transfer of heat without matter to carry it. Heat simply leaves one object and goes directly to another. Suppose you're standing near a campfire. You can feel the heat from the fire because it warms the air. But you can also feel the heat because it warms you directly through radiation. The test will be on this Friday.
Monday: Math: Freckle Facts Practice and Equivalent Fractions
Science: Study Island lesson on Energy.
Tuesday: Math: Complete assigned problems from lesson 8-1.
Wednesday: Math: Complete assigned problems from lessons 8-2, 8-3, and 8-4.
Thursday: Science: Study for units 7 and 8 test.
Have a Wonderful Week,
Ms. Johnson
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