Monday, February 4, 2019

Week of 2/4/19

Happy Monday Everyone,

     I would like to thank everyone for participating in last weeks Literacy Week Character Parade!! Our class looked amazing!! 

Wednesday 2/6
Early Release

Tuesday 2/12
JBE Family Science Night 6:00-8:00

Friday 2/15
No School-Weather Day

Monday 2/18
No School-President's Day

     This week in math we will begin adding and subtracting fractions. We will begin with adding and subtracting fractions we will gradually move into adding and subtracting from whole numbers and mixed numbers. Students will also learn how to show both operations on a number line. 


     This week in science we will finish up our work on motion. We will complete several hands on activities to help students understand motion. Students will take a quiz on unit 9 lessons 1 and 2 on Friday. Our test is tentatively planned for next Wednesday 2/13. 

     The other 4th grade teachers and myself have become very frustrated with the lack of information in the science book. We are finding that the information provides only surface understanding for our students. We want them to be able to take information and apply it to real world situations. And we are finding that impossible given the way we currently approach science. 
     Starting with this unit students will be receiving additional materials that we will be secured in their science journals. We will refer to both our text books and the extra materials when working in science. We also no longer complete a day of social studies in class. Beginning now through the end of the year I give students a social studies assignment (quiz sheet, vocabulary, or Brain Pop) at the beginning of the week. The assignment will be due on Friday of that week.
     I am hopeful that with the renewed focus on science will provide students with more time to interact with the materials which will lead to deeper understanding and better grades on the end of unit assessments.

     Please consider coming to Family Science Night next Tuesday from 6:00-8:00. I will give extra credit in science for anyone that attends and participates. Students that attend will also receive 10 tickets. 

     This week in social studies we will work on chapter 5 lesson 3. This lesson picks up at the end of First Seminole War. The United States Army took Pensacola from Spain. Since Spain was not as strong as it once was, it decided to give all of it's Florida lands to the United States. As soon as the treaty was signed Florida became a territory. Being a territory meant that the U.S. government would give money to Florida's territory government and provide military protections. Soon after becoming a territory the settlers wanted the government to remove the Seminoles from their lands near and around present day Tallahassee. 
      Students homework assignment this week is to complete the quiz and numbers 1-5 for chapter 5 vocabulary. Both assignments are due on Friday. 

   Have a GREAT week,
    Ms. Johnson


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