Monday, August 19, 2019

Week of August 19, 2019

Hi Everyone,

     Welcome to the second week of 4th Grade!! We had a week to get use to being back at school and hopefully everyone is back in the groove. If you are like me you probably are not. This is my third week back and my alarm clock seems to go off earlier and earlier every morning. 

     Students have homework assignments this week. Check their Agendas in the trapper to see what we will be working on. Students typically get homework sheets the day before they are due. Unless otherwise stated assignments are due the next day. Technology homework is usually given on Mondays and is not due until Friday. This week for technology students should add themselves to my Brain Pop Class, Cactus Ranch 19-20. We went over the directions today in class and students have a hard copy direction sheet in their folders. Students also have a digital science activity this week. It is listed for Thursday night, but students may completed anytime during the week. 

August 28th Wednesday
Early Release @1:15

August 29th Thursday
Open House 6-7:30

August 30th Friday
Picture Day

September 2nd Monday
Labor Day--No School

September 5th Thursday
Girls Scout Info Night @ 6:30

September 6th Friday
100 Mile Club Begins 7:45-8:15
PTO Meeting 8:45

September 12th Thursday
Progress Reports Come Home

October 17th Thursday
Field Trip to the Public Library 10:00-11:30

     This week in math we will work our standards for rounding (NBT.1.3), and for recognizing that the value of a digit in one place is ten times greater than the place to it's right (NBT.1.1). This will also include our standard for recognizing that multiplication can be viewed as a comparison (OA.1.1).
     For rounding students are able to use a variety of standards to round multi-digit whole numbers to any place.
Students will also learn that a number in one place is 10 times greater than the place to it's right. For example the tens place is 10 times greater than the ones place, the hundreds place is 10 times greater than the tens place, and so on. Students should also begin to recognize that a number in the thousands place is 100 times greater than a number in the tens place.

     This week in science we will continue learning about what scientists do as part of their work. Students will have a sheet to complete as part of their homework this week. And as mentioned above students need to complete the digital lesson for Unit 1 Lesson 1. 

     Below is a copy of the sheet that students were given in class that lets them know how to add themselves to my Brain Pop Class and how to access their science book online. They will need to access the science book online in order to complete the digital lesson.

Have a great week,
Ms. Johnson

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