Sunday, November 1, 2020

Week of 11/2/2020

Happy Monday Everyone,

     Thanks again to everyone that made our Math-Or-Treating activity a huge success!! I would also like to thank everyone that participated in our Red Ribbon Week activities.
11/3 Tuesday
Math Quiz

11/4 Wednesday
Science Test

11/4 Wednesday
Submissions for Book Cover Due

11/6 Friday
Order Forms for Class Book Due

11/6 Friday
Completed Student Pages for Class Book Due

11/6 Tuesday
PTO Meeting

11/10 Tuesday
Virtual Veteran's Day Celebration

11/11 Wednesday
Veteran's Day-No School

11/12 Thursday
Virtual Talent Show

11/19 Thursday
2nd Quarter Progress Reports

School-To-Home Folder
*Module 3 Mid-Module Quiz
*Matter Magic Sheet

     This week in math we will take a quiz on Tuesday. This quiz will cover division strategies. After the quiz we will begin the last section of lessons in module 3. In this section we will cover factors, multiplies, prime numbers and composite numbers. Students often confuse factors and multiples. A factor is one of the two numbers that are multiplied together to get a product. A multiple is what we get after multiplying the number by another number. For example:
1 x 6 = 6 so 1 and 6 are factors of 6
1 x 6 = 6 so 6 is a multiple of 6
3 x 4 = 12 so 3 and 4 are factors of 12
3 x 4 = 12 so 12 is a multiple of 3 and a multiple of 4
Simply put, factors are the numbers we multiply and multiples are the numbers we say when we skip count by a number. 
     This week students only need to complete their 40 i-ready minutes. I will not be assigning a lesson on i-Ready. 

     This week in science we will take our test on chemical and physical changes in matter on Wednesday. We will then begin a unit on energy. In this unit students will learn about the basic forms of energy-potential, kinetic, light, mechanical, sound, electrical and chemical. 

Monday: Math: Complete Math Sheet. Complete 40 minutes of i-Ready. No Teacher Assigned lesson this week.

Tuesday: Science: Study for Unit 6 test.

Wednesday: Math: Complete Lesson 22 Sheet.

Thursday: Science: Unit 7 Lesson 1 Digital Lesson

Friday: Class Book Forms Due Today. i-Ready Minutes due. 

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