Sunday, November 15, 2020

Week of 11/16


Happy Monday Everyone,
     What a crazy week we had last week!! Thank you for your patience with our first (and hopefully last) virtual day of school. Please make sure your child completed all of the work that was assigned on last Thursday. The grades from the assignments will be entered into the grade book for their subjects as class work grades. The grades for the digital assignments; Brain Pop quizzes and i-Ready lessons will be entered as the scores that student earned on the platforms. The grades for the paper pencil work will be entered as completed/not completed.
     As you review your child's grades in Focus, please know that any zero grades are there because the work was either never completed or never turned in. If your child has not taken a test or quiz they can come into the room before or after school to take their test. Work can also be made up on during library, computer lab, or STEM resource. Any missing work can be turned in for full credit at any time during before the end of the nine weeks. 

11/18 Wednesday
Module 3 Math Test

11/19 Thursday
2nd Quarter Progress Reports

11/25 Wednesday
Weather Day

Thanksgiving Break

12/17 Thursday
Unit 7 Science Test

12/18 Friday
Last Day of 2nd Quarter

12/21 - 1/1
Winter Break

1/4 Monday
Teacher Planning Day - No School

School-To-Home Folder
*Module 3 Quiz #2

     This week in math we will complete our work on Module 3. The end of module test will be on Wednesday.  We will begin working on Module 4 on Thursday.  Module 4 will cover cover geometry and measurement standards. In this module students will learn about basic geometric forms of points, lines, line segments, and rays. Students will also learn about the different types of angels, how to measure and draw angles with a protractor. The connection between circles and angles. Students will learn that triangles can be classified based on angle measure and side length.
     This week we will cover the basic geometric shapes of points, lines, line segments and rays. Students will learn how to properly name each of the above forms with letters. We will also work on different types of angles and the difference between parallel and perpendicular lines. 

     This week in science we will continue learning about energy. This week we will focus on sound energy. Sound energy is a form of kinetic energy because sound is created by making vibrations in matter. Students will learn that sound can be described based on its frequency, pitch and volume. 

Monday: Math: PMA Data Chat Review with Parents. i-Ready 40 minutes 

Tuesday: Math: Study for Module 3 Math Test

Wednesday: Science: Brain Pop and Brain Pop Jr Quizzes on Sound

Thursday: Math: Module 4 Lessons 1 and 2 Homework Sheets

Friday: All digital assignments are due

Have a Wonderful week,

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