Sunday, March 28, 2021

Week of March 29th


Welcome to a 3 Day Week,

     Let's call it a mini spring break!! Students are bringing home their 3rd quarter report cards today. Please review the papers inside the envelope and sign the outside of the envelope. You do not have to sign and return the slip at the bottom of the report card. All of the paper work on the inside of the envelope is yours to keep.

4th Quarter Dress Up Friday’s

     During the 4th quarter Friday’s will, be dress up days!!



March 26th

JBE Gear

March 31st


April 9th


April 16th

College Gear

April 23rd

Silly Sock

April 30th

Hat Day

May 4th

Star Wars

May 14th

Holiday Shirts

May 21st

Pajama Day

May 28th

Crazy Hair Day

June 4th

Summer/Beach Gear

3/29 Monday
3rd Quarter Report Cards

3/31 Wednesday
Science Test on Unit 3

3/31 Wednesday
Moon Phase Calendar Due

3/31 Wednesday
Dress Up Fridays: Space

4/1 Thursday
Teacher Planning Day

4/2 Friday
Spring Holiday

4/9 Friday
Dress Up Fridays: Superhero

4/16 Friday
Dress Up Fridays: College Gear

4/23 Friday
Dress Up Fridays: Silly Socks

4/30 Friday
Dress Up Fridays: Hat Day

5/4 Tuesday
Dress Up Fridays: Star Wars

5/14 Friday
Dress Up Fridays: Holiday Shirts

5/21 Friday
Pajama Day

5/28 Friday
Dress Up Fridays: Crazy Hair Day

6/4 Friday
Dress Up Fridays: Summer/Beach Gear

     This week in math, students will learn how to compare decimals numbers. Our work will still only go to the hundredths place. We will use area models, number lines and place value grids to compare numbers using the <, >,  and = symbols. 

     Due to a change in district requirements I will now be assigning two lessons each week on i-Ready. Students will still be required to complete 40 minutes, but will not be required to complete a lesson from their path. They may need to work on lessons from their path in order to fulfill the 40 minute requirement. 
     The lessons that I assign one will come from previously taught content and the other will match the content that we are currently working on in class. Our classes successful completion of this work will result in us earning rewards. The awards list has not been finalized yet, but something like a donut party is being discussed. 
*40 Minutes
*Fractions As Tenths and Hundredths
*Rounding Whole Numbers

     This week in science, students will take their test for Unit 3 Earth's Place in Space. We will review on Monday and Tuesday and students will test on Wednesday. 

Monday: Math i-Ready-40 minutes, Teacher Assigned Lessons: Fractions as Tenths and Hundredths and Rounding Whole Numbers.  FSA Practice Sheets Pages 12 and 13 (due Wednesday). Get PMA 3 Report signed.

Tuesday: Science Study for Unit 3 Science Test

Wednesday: Science Test Today



Have a Wonderful Week,

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