Monday, May 17, 2021

Week of May 17, 2021

Happy Monday Everyone,

     We are o-fish-ally done with all of our state and district end of year testing!!! The students have worked so hard to learn all of the material over the course of this school year. I am so proud of each and everyone of them. They have already shown growth on our i-Ready and science diagnostics. I can't wait to see the scores on their FSA tests. 
     I would also like to thank everyone that sent in snacks for the students to enjoy after each day of testing. It was a welcome treat after our 80 minute testing sessions.  

     As you may know positions for 5th Grade Leadership are beginning to be selected. Many have sent me emails with questions about the process. I hope the information below answers those questions.
*Last week, during Computer Lab Resource students were asked to  complete a survey ranking their choices for the different leadership groups. 
*Students are given points using the form below. 
*Students are ranked based on their point totals. 
*Patrols pick first by inviting the students with the highest points to apply (Those invitations have already been sent home).
*If students decline their invitation to be a Patrol. The next student on the list gets an invitation. This process continues until the needed number of Patrols has been reached. 
*After Patrols are picked, invitations for TOTs (Teachers of Tomorrow) are sent out. 

Parent Career Day Homework

5/17 Monday
Parent Career Day Flip Grids Due

5/20 Thursday
Last Day of School Lunch Orders Due

5/21 Friday
5 Golden Star Fish Pizza Party

5/21 Friday
Life Science Test

5/21 Friday
Food Chain RAFT Due

5/21 Friday
Pajama Day

At Home Student Led Conferences

5/28 Friday
Student Led Conference Feedback Forms Due

5/28 Friday
PTO Sponsored Field Trip to Cummer Art Gallery 
(FundRun Prize)

5/28 Friday
Dress Up Fridays: Crazy Hair Day

5/31 Monday
No School Memorial Day

6/3 Thursday
Dress Up Fridays: Summer/Beach Gear

6/3 Thursday
Last Day of School (noon dismissal)

     This week in math, I will introduce students to some of the skills that they will be working on in 5th Grade. The 5th grade math teachers have asked us to introduce students to multi-digit multiplication using the standard algorithm. This is the multiplication that you grew up doing in school. The algorithm can be confusing for some students when regrouping has to take place. 
*Teacher Assigned Lesson: Multiply Whole Numbers
*Students do not need to complete 40 minutes of work.

     A special congratulations to the students that completed the FSA Review Challenge. This week I am adding in questions for students to practice our new skill of multi-digit multiplication using the standard algorithm. This is an optional assignment.
     This week in science we will continue learning about the interdependence between the Sun and plants and animals in an ecosystem. This week we will look at the ways that people and organisms affect their environments. We will complete our work on this unit and take our test on Friday May 21st. 
     Please don't forget that Food Chain RAFTs are due on Friday. This is an assignment that points will be deducted if it is turned in late. Students need to make sure that they are using the rubric when creating their letter and diagram. Feel free to proof your child's work with them. For many it is their first time writing a friendly letter. 
*Food Chains and Food Webs Activity

Due to testing this week, students in Group 3 will not have homework this week. Students that tested last week please complete the assignments below. 

Monday: Science: Unit 11 Lessons 2 and 3 Digital Lesson

Tuesday: Science: Freckle Food Chains and Food Webs Activity

Wednesday: Science: Work on Food Chain RAFT 

Thursday: Science: Unit 11 Lessons 4 and 5 Digital Lessons. Study for Science Test

Friday: Units 10 and 11 Science Test today. Food Chain Raft Due Today. 

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