Monday, March 28, 2022

Week of 3/28

Happy New Week Everyone,
     Report cards are coming home today. Please take out and review any paper work on the inside of the envelope. The papers are yours to keep for your records. Sign the outside of the envelope and return it to school as soon as possible. 
     We have Early Release this Wednesday. Please make sure your child knows their dismissal plans. 

                                  The Best Part of Me

     As part of our social emotional unit, students will be writing a poem about the best part of themselves. I am also asking you to write a poem about the best part of your child. I am hoping that through this activity students will develop positive perspectives about themselves. 

     Your child will be brought home a letter with the directions and an example poem that I wrote about my niece, and an envelope before spring break. Once you have completed your poem place it in the envelope and seal it. Please do not share your poem with child. I would like for them to read it for the first time in class. 

     Due to the demands of testing, I was unable to have students begin their poems. We will begin working on them this week. Please try to have your poem turned in by Friday April 1st. Thank you to everyone that has already sent in their poems. 

Class Book

     Our classes will be writing a book!! In conjunction with Studentreasures Publishing company, each student will have two pages in their classes book. One page will feature original text and the second will showcase the students' illustration that goes along with their text.

      Our book will be titled Science Is...A Collection of Acrostic Poems. Students will be completing their pages in class. Coming home today is an order form for you to order your child a copy of the book. Please look over the order form. If you are interested in ordering follow the directions on the form. There are directions for paying online and by sending in cash or check. Please write your child's name on the form where it indicates. At the bottom of the form their is a place for you to sign. By signing the form you are giving your permission for your child's work to included in the book. There is also a place for you to check that you are not interested in ordering at this time. If I get back all of the forms. I will get a free copy of the book that will be on display in our classroom. 

3/28 Monday
Report Cards

3/29 Tuesday
Math Quiz

3/30 Wednesday
Early Release

4/7 Thursday
State Writing Test

4/8 Friday
Pajama Day and Lunch Outside

4/15 Friday
No School 

4/18 Monday
No School

4/22 Friday
Zoo Field Trip

5/3 - 5/4
FSA Reading Test

5/9 - 5/10
FSA Math Test

5/18 Wednesday
Early Release

5/25 Wednesday
End of Year Party

5/27 Friday
Last Day of 4th Grade

     This week in math we will continue to work on decimals. This week students will take a quiz that covers the work that we have done since returning from spring break. 
     On Wednesday we will begin working on our next standard, comparing decimals. Students will learn how to compare decimals through the hundredths place using the symbols; <, >, and =.
     This week we will begin the Superintendents Freckle Math Challenge. Each week beginning the week of 3-28 through 4-29 I will assign a standard through our Freckle platform. Each week Ms. Mattingly will announce the top classes and students in grades 3-5. 
Math Clips and Websites

*Comparing Decimals

     This week in science we will continue to focus on how the rotation of the Earth causes the sun and other stars to appear to move across the daytime and nighttime sky. We will also discuss why we see different constellations at different times of the year due to the Earth revolution around the Sun. Our orbit around the sun is also why we have seasons. 
      Make sure your child is working on their Moon Calendar. Projects are due on April 22nd. Please use the web site below to help keep an accurate calendar. 
Science Clips and Websites

*Earth and Moon Viewer
*The Next Time You See a Sunset

Monday: Math: Freckle: Fact Practice and MD.3.5b.
Science: HMH Unit 3 Lesson 2 How Does Earth Move In Space? Study Island Earth's Place in Space

Tuesday: FSA Practice pages 13-14

Wednesday: Math: Lesson 10 Homework

Thursday: Math: Lesson 11 Homework

Have a GREAT week,


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