Monday, September 9, 2019

Week of September 9, 2019

Happy Monday Everyone,

     We will try once again to get back into the swing of things after our extended time of due to Hurricane Dorian. I hope everyone made it through with no damage. We have not had any word yet as to whether or not we will have to use weather days to make up the three days that we missed. There has been a date change for when 1st quarter progress reports will be sent home. 

     I would like to thank everyone that was able to make it to Open House. I sent a copy of the power point presentation that Ms. Billiard and I used at that night. If you have any questions please let us know. 

September 10th Tuesday
Girl Scout Info Night @ 6:00

September 16th Monday
Progress Reports Come Home

September 18th Wednesday
Parent Academy @ 8:30 A.M.
Boy Scout Info Night @ 6:30

September 24th Tuesday
Chipotle Spirit Night 5:00-9:00

September 25th Wednesday
Wellness Wednesday Activities with Students
Early Release @ 1:10

October 17th Thursday
Field Trip to the Public Library 10:00-11:30

     This week in math we will begin working on using the standard algorithm to solve subtraction problems. Students could expect to see problems with multi-digit numbers through the millions place. Students will have problems where they will have to regroup (called borrowing in our school days). We will also continue to have multi-step problems. Students will begin to see problems where one step might be addition and one might be subtraction. Students need to make sure they carefully read the problems to determine what steps need to be taken. 
     We will finish up module 1 this week. Our module 1 test is tentatively being planned for next Tuesday 9/17.

     This week in science, we finish up unit 1. This week we will take a closer look some typical tools that scientist use to complete their jobs. We will also take a look at different types of science models; 2-D models, 3-D models, computer models, and mental models. Our test on unit 1 is tentatively being planned for Thursday 9/19.

     Last week students got back their proposed topics and questions. Students were graded on whether or not their topic was science related, if they had at least 4 questions, if commonly known words were spelled correctly, and if their sentences had capital letters and punctuation marks. The grades were entered into FOCUS. If your child does not have a grade they were given back their proposal to make corrections. Those students need to turn in their work to Mrs. Chin by Wednesday 9/11.

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