Friday, September 24, 2021

Week of 9/27/2021


Welcome to the First Week of Fall,

     The only thing that fall means in Florida is that the humidity goes away. Thankful we now have some cool breezes during recess.
     Thank you to everyone that has given to our STEM-September Fundraiser. This is the last week for donations. Please use the link below if you still want to give to this worthy cause.
PTO is going to provide an ice cream party to the class that earns the most money on each grade level. And any class that reaches 80% by September 30th will get extra recess..
    Starting this week we will follow a new schedule for buying snacks in the cafeteria. This new schedule is designed to ensure that everyone gets to purchase a snack. Ms. Johnson's Homerooms day for snacks will be on Tuesday's and Mrs. Lomblo's class will get to purchase snacks on Mondays.

     Students have been earning tickets since we started school. We will have our first Ticket Cash in on this Wednesday. Students can use their tickets to purchase items listed below or save them until the next cash in day. We will have cash in on the last Friday, every other month. If students purchase Electronics they may bring in an electronic device to play games during the last 30 minutes of the day on Friday afternoon. The game must be appropriate for school. The game must also be downloaded to the device because students are not allowed to log personal devices on the DCPS network..

Ticket Cash

*Snack 10 Tickets​             *Homework Pass 20 Tickets

*Lunch Not In the Cafeteria 25 Tickets​         *Ice Cream 25 Tickets

*Electronics in the Classroom 30 Tickets

Students can buy multiple items if they have enough tickets. If a student is absent or leave their tickets at home on cash in day, their tickets carry over until the next ticket cash in.

September 1st - 30th
PTO Fall Fundraiser

9/29 Wednesday
Early Release Day

10/1 Friday
All 1st Quarter Work Due

10/5 Tuesday
Quarter 1 Math PMA

10/6 Wednesday
Unit 5 Science Test

10/8 Friday
End of 1st Quarter

10/11 Monday
No School--Teacher Planning Day

10/12 Tuesday
2nd Quarter Begins

10/18 Monday
Report Cards Come Home

10/27 Wednesday
Early Release

School - To - Home Folder
*Unit 5 Lessons 1, 2, and 3 Quiz
*Conservation of Mass Activity Sheet

     This week in math we will be working in Module 3. Module 3 is a big unit we will work on application of the area and perimeter formulas, strategies for solving multiplication and division strategies, finding factors and multiples of numbers, and prime and composite numbers. We began working on area and perimeter on last Friday. Students will apply what they learned in 3rd grade for finding area and perimeter. This year our work will center more on figuring out missing dimensions when either the area or perimeter is known. 
For example: 
*The perimeter of a rectangle is 120 cm. The length is 20 cm. What is the width of the rectangle?
*A rectangle is 2 meters wide. It is 3 times as long as it is wide. What is the length of the rectangle?
    We will also begin working on strategies for multiplication of multi-digit whole numbers. This week we will learn how to use the area model for multiplication and the partial products strategies.

In fourth grade we will not cover the multiplication algorithm. Students may use it as a checking strategy if they wish, but can not use it as the main form of showing work..
     This week in science we will finish our work in Unit 5. This week we will learn about another physical property of matter: magnetism. Students will learn about magnetic poles, magnetic fields, and the types of materials that are attracted to magnets. 

     We will be working on a series of lessons designed to help our students understand the social-emotional parts of their character. Last week students made a list of their strengths. These were things both academically and socially that students felt accomplished and successful.
     This week we are exploring the power of ...yet. By thinking in terms of "I am not good at that yet. Helps students embrace the challenges that they face in all situations. Please help your child adopt a power of yet thinking by not allowing them to simply say, "I can't do it". Encourage them to instead say, "I can't do it yet!" This will help them to embrace new challenges and move from a Fixed Mindset to a Growth Mindset.
      We have watched the videos below in class as part of our discussion.
Know Your Character Strengths 
Mindset of a Champion


Monday: Math: Lesson 2 Homework Sheet, Freckle Facts Practice

Tuesday: Math: Lesson 3 Homework Sheet,

Wednesday: Science: Read page 34 Complete #'s 2 and 3 and page 36

Thursday: Math: Lesson 6 Use the Area Model to solve problems

Have a Wonderful Week,

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