Monday, October 4, 2021

Week of 10/4/2021


Welcome to the First Week of October,

     We have several events happening this week. Students will take PMA test for ElA and Math, Visit the Book Fair, and the End of the 1st Quarter is happening. Please consult the calendar section for dates and times. 
     Thank you to everyone that gave to our September STEM Fundraiser!! Congratulations to Mrs. Lomblo's Homeroom for being the top class in 4th Grade.
     Students will visit the Book Fair this week. Students were given a flyer to bring home last week for a preview and directions. Ms. Johnson's Homeroom will shop on Tuesday at 11:05-11:35. Mrs. Lomblo's Homeroom will shop on Wednesday at 11:05-11:35.

10/4 Monday
Quarter 1 ELA PMA

10/5 Tuesday
Quarter 1 Math PMA

10/6 Wednesday
Unit 5 Science Test

10/8 Friday
Module 3 Quiz

10/8 Friday
End of 1st Quarter

10/11 Monday
No School--Teacher Planning Day

10/12 Tuesday
2nd Quarter Begins

10/18 Monday
Report Cards Come Home

10/27 Wednesday
Early Release

School - To - Home Folder
*Area Perimeter Sheet--Classwork Grade
*Module 2 Math Test--Test Grade

     On Tuesday students will take their First Quarter Math PMA. The test will cover all of the standards covered during the 1st quarter. This includes place value, representing numbers, comparing numbers, rounding, addition and subtraction, metric conversions, area and perimeter, and multiplication strategies. This test will be given in one session. The scores will be used to help guide the activities that we work on during our Math Rotations block. You will receive a copy of the report so that you will know which standards your child has mastered and the ones that still need practice. 
     After the PMA we will work on multi-step word problems. Our multi-step problems will now include addition, subtraction and multiplication. On Friday we will take a quiz on the work that we done so far in Module 3. The quiz will include area, perimeter, multiplication strategies (area model, partial products, and distributive property), and multi-step word problems. 
     During the 2nd quarter we will begin having timed multiplication facts quizzes. The first one will be on Friday 10/15. We will have them on every other Friday. The grade will go into the Skills section of the Math Gradebook. 

     This week in science, we will complete unit 5 on matter. Students will take their test on Wednesday. We will then move into unit 6 on chemical and physical changes in matter. This is a really short unit, it only has two lessons. So be on the lookout for our test to sometime within the next two weeks.
     This week in our study of Growth Mindset will focus on our learning more about having a growth mindset. We will watch the videos listed below. Students will also bring home their Strengths/...yet sheets. Please review your child's sheet with them and have them talk to you about other strengths that they might want to add to their sheet and plans that they might have for achieving things on the yet side of their sheet.

Monday: Math: Freckle Facts Practice
Science: Unit 5 Study Guide

Tuesday: Math: Lesson 12 Sheet
Science: Study for Science Test

Wednesday: Math: Lesson 12 Homework

Thursday: Math: Lesson 13 Homework
Science: Unit 6 Lesson 1 Digital Lesson

Have a GREAT Week, 


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