Friday, November 4, 2022

Week of 11/7/2022


Happy Monday Everyone,

    I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and remembered to set your clocks back. It makes for a very hectic Monday morning when you don't change your change clocks!!
     I would like to say a big THANK-YOU to all of our military members. Thank you for your service to our country. I hope you will be able to join us on Thursday for our Veteran's Day breakfast and ceremony. 

    We will be going on our field trip to St. Augustine on this Wednesday. Please have your child wear their class shirt. If your child does not have a class shirt any JBE shirt will work or a shirt that is the same color as their classes shirt (Johnson-Green, Lomblo-Blue). Your child should also wear comfortable shoes. They may also want to bring a light jacket or sweater. We will be outside for most of the day so if your child burns easily you may want to apply sunscreen before they leave for school. With parental permission students may also bring a camera or phone to take pictures. 
     Students will need a bag lunch with a drink. Please pack their lunch in a paper, plastic, or Ziplock bag with their name written on the outside of the bag. Students will not need money, because we will not be visiting any gift shops. 
     If you are chaperoning, please remember that due to space on the busses parents must provide their own transportation. You may follow the busses from school or meet us at the Visitor Center. We are scheduled to board the trolley at 10:30. Please meet at the Visitor Center at 10:15. 


11/9 Wednesday
St. Augustine Field Trip

11/11 Friday
Veteran's Day--No School

11/15 Tuesday
Math Quiz on Division

11/17 Thursday
Ms. Johnson Out for Training

11/23 Wednesday
No School--Weather Day

No School--Thanksgiving Holiday

District PMA Testing

11/30 Wednesday
Early Release

12/1 Thursday
Unit 7 Math Test

12/15 Thursday
Unit 8 Math Quiz

12/16 Friday
Last Day of 2nd Quarter

Winter Break

1/3 Tuesday
No School Teacher Planning Day

1/4 Wednesday
Students Return to School
     This week in math, we will begin working on division strategies. Students will be introduced to a variety of strategies (please see below) that they can use to solve problems. If students know how to use the long division algorithm they are welcome to use it to show their work. However, we will not be covering it in class. For this standard students will need to be familiar with all of the strategies for error analysis work. Ultimately students will be able to choose the standard that they can use reliably to get the correct answer.  

     This week in science, we finish up our work on sound energy and begin working on how we use the energy of moving wind and water to move things. We will discuss that even though we often hear people say things like "wind energy" or "water energy", that wind and water are not forms of energy. Instead the kinetic energy that moving wind and water have can be transferred into other forms of energy.

Monday: Math: Freckle Facts Practice 
Science: Digital Lesson Unit 7 Lesson 4 How Do We Use Wind and Water for Energy?

Tuesday: Math: Complete Math Sheets for 7-1 and 7-2 due on Thursday.

Wednesday: Field Trip. 

Thursday: No Homework. All Homework is due on Thursday this week.

Have a Wonderful Week,
Ms. Johnson



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