Sunday, April 2, 2023

Week of April 3, 2023


Welcome to the 1st Week of April,

     A big shout out to the all of the parents that volunteered to be a chaperone for our field trip to the zoo. The kids had a ball!! Thank you so much.

Pajama Day
     Students will get two more of their rewards from the Starfish Sprint this week. On Thursday students can wear their pajamas for Pajama Day. Students will also be able to sit wear they want in both classes. As a special treat students can also bring in their favorite stuffed animal. 

4/6 Thursday
Pajama Day and Sit Where You Want Day

4/7 Friday
No School

4/18 Tuesday
PTO Playground Play Group

4/20 Friday
4th Quarter Progress Reports Go Home

     This week in math, will begin the second half of unit 14. This week we will describe and draw points, lines, line segments, and rays. Students will learn about perpendicular and parallel lines. We will also learn about the different types of angles. At the end of the week students will begin learning how to use a protractor to draw and measure angles to any degree. 
     We have both half circle and full circle protractors to use in class. Your child may want to have one to use at home, but it is not required that your child have their own. 
     The students did an AMAZING job on the Districts PMA 3 last week!! They have worked so hard this school year. Please join me in congratulating them. Students will receive their scores this week and bring home a copy of their individual reports in their math journals. Please sign the report so that I know that you had a chance to see and review your child's scores. Use the information below to help you read and understand the score report.
*Under the word Tests is the score that your child earned on the test. 
*The Standard column shows the standards that were assessed on the PMA 3.
*The Description column gives information about the assessed standards.
*PE stands for Points Earned for that standard. 
*PP stands for Points Possible for that standard.
*Percent tells the score that the student earned for that standard.
*NC stands for Not Covered. We still have a few standards left to cover before our final FAST testing in May. 
For Example:
PE           PP       Percent
1.00        2.00    50.00%
This means that there were 2 questions asked for this standard and the student got one question correct and one question incorrect.
     We are participating in the Superintendent's Math Challenge. This contest will happen through Freckle. Each week I will place several Freckle math activities in the students' backpacks. The activities for the math challenge will say Math Challenge at the beginning of the title. Math Challenge activities are optional, however students are highly encouraged to complete them as they will also be used to help us review all of our math standards before our final FAST test in May. Students can earn tickets and other prizes for successfully (70% and above) completing activities each week.  

       This week in science, we will begin working on our life science standards. This include both units 10 and 11 in our book. We will start out learning how plants reproduce. Students will learn the reproductive parts of flowers include both male and female parts. Students will also learn the process by which a flowering plant is pollinated and becomes fertilized and ready to make new seeds.  

Monday: Math: Points, Lines, Line Segments and Rays

Tuesday: Math: Intersecting, Perpendicular and Parallel Lines

Wednesday: Math: Angles

Thursday: Math: Freckle: Fact Practice and Perimeter and Area Problems with Missing Side Lengths
Science: HMH: Unit 10 Lesson 1 How Do Plants Reproduce

Have Wonderful Week,
Ms. Johnson

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