Sunday, October 31, 2021

Week of 10/18/2021


Happy Victory Monday,

       After 390 days the Jaguars went all the way to London to pull off a win!! Hopefully they can win again after being off this week. 
Report Cards
     Students are bringing home their report cards for first quarter this afternoon. All of the paperwork on the inside is yours to review and keep. Please sign the envelope where indicated and return it to school no later than Friday. 
Student Council Class Representative Speeches and Voting

     Students received a form for being our classroom student council representative two weeks ago. Forms are due by Wednesday. In my homeroom students will give their speeches on Thursday. We will vote on Friday. Good Luck to all of the Candidates in both homerooms.

10/18 Monday
Report Cards Come Home

10/20 Wednesday
Student Council Speeches Due
Picture Day

10/21 Thursday
Student Council Speeches

10/22 Friday
*Student Council Election
*Unit 6 Science Test
*Report Card Envelopes Due

10/27 Wednesday
Early Release

No School

No School

Last Day of 2nd Quarter

Winter Break

School - To - Home Folder
*Math Mid Module 3 Quiz

     This week in math we will complete our study of division strategies. Students will learn how to divide using the multiplying up strategy, area model, partial quotients, and distributive properties to solve division problems (please the models below). 
Partial Quotients


     Students had their first timed quiz last Friday. After discussion with the other math teachers, we decided to only give the students 25 questions with 3 minutes of work time. Our next two quizzes will be just like the one last week. After that we will move to 50 questions with a 5 minute time limit.
*NBT.2.6 Division (due Tuesday 10/20)
*Facts Practice (due Friday)
*OA.1.2 Multiplicative Comparison Word Problems (due Friday)

     This week in science we will take our test on Unit 6 Matter and Its Changes. In this unit we have learned the difference between physical and chemical changes in matter. Students are familiar with the chemical changes of rusting, burning and decay. Many students are not familiar with the chemical change of tarnish. Tarnish happens when metals such as silver and copper are exposed to air. A famous example is the Statue of Liberty. When France gave the statue to the United States it was a brownish color similar to the color of a penny. Over time the copper statue has turned the green color that we see today.

Monday: Math: Freckle NBT.2,6 (due Tuesday), OA.1.2 and Facts Practice

Tuesday: Math: Lesson 30 Homework

Wednesday: Science: Complete pages 321-322 in science book.

Thursday: Math: Lesson 32 Homework
Science: Study for Unit 6 Test

Friday: Report Card Envelopes Due

Have a GREAT Week!!

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